Misused is valid Scrabble Word

Is misused a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is misused valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for MISUSED in dictionary:

Words related to MISUSED

malappropriated24 misuse8 misuses9 misusing11

How to use MISUSED in a sentence

Similar words containing US without suffix ed and without prefix mis

us2 bus5 gus4 jus10 mus5 nus3 ous3 pus5 sus3 use3 wus6 yus6 rus3 alus4 amus6 anus4 ayus7 brus6 bush9 busk10 buss6 bust6 busy9 crus6 cush9 cusk10 cusp8 cuss6 deus5 dush8 dusk9 dust5 eaus4 ecus6 emus6 feus7 flus7 fous7 fusc9 fuse7 fusk11 fuss7 fust7 gaus5 gjus12 gnus5 gush8 gust5 hush10 husk11 huso7 huss7 just11 kyus11 lous4 lush7 lusk8 lust4 meus6 mous6 muse6 mush9 musk10 muso6 muss6 must6 nous4 onus4 opus6 oust4 plus6 push9 puss6 rhus7 rusa4 ruse4 rush7 rusk8 rust4 ryus7 sous4 suss4 susu4 taus4 thus7 tush7 tusk8 ulus4 umus6 urus4 used5 user4 uses4 utus4 vaus7 wuss7 yous7 reus4 imus6 abuse7 adust6 aglus6 aitus5 amuse7 ankus9 arcus7 argus6 ascus7 babus9 bahus10 bajus14 balus7 bapus9 beaus7 blush10 bogus8 bolus7 bonus7 bouse7 bousy10 brush10 brusk11 brust7 bubus9 busby12 bused8 buses7 bushy13 busks11 busky14 bussu7 busti7 busts7 busty10 camus9 casus7 causa7 cause7 chuse10 clous7 comus9 conus7 cruse7 crush10 crust7 crusy10 cusec9 cushy13 cusks11 cusps9 cuspy12 cusso7 cusum9 debus8 degus7 docus8 douse6 druse6 drusy9 dufus9 dusks10 dusky13 dusts6 dusty9 ecrus7 embus9 emeus7 erhus8 eusol5 favus11 fetus8 ficus10 flush11 focus10 fraus8 frush11 frust8 fucus10 fugus9 fused9 fusee8 fusel8 fuses8 fusil8 fusks12 fussy11 fusts8 fusty11 gauss6 genus6 gibus8 giust6 gurus6 gushy12 gusla6 gusle6 gusli6 gussy9 gusto6 gusts6 gusty9 gyrus9 habus10 hakus12 hapus10 hause8 hilus8 hocus10 house8 huhus11 humus10 hushy14 husks12 husky15 husos8 hussy11 ictus7 iglus6 ileus5 incus7 inust5 jehus15 jesus12 joust12 jujus19 jukus16 justs12 kagus10 kapus11 korus9 kudus10 kukus13 kurus9 kusso9 kutus9 kuzus18 latus5 lieus5 lobus7 locus7 lotus5 louse5 lousy8 luaus5 lulus5 lupus7 luser5 lushy11 lusks9 lusts5 lusty8 lusus5 magus8 malus7 manus7 masus7 mausy10 menus7 meous7 meuse7 minus7 modus8 momus9 mopus9 motus7 mouse7 moust7 mousy10 mucus9 mumus9 musar7 musca9 mused8 muser7 muses7 muset7 musha10 mushy13 music9 musit7 musks11 musky14 musos7 musse7 mussy10 musth10 musts7 musty10 namus7 negus6 nevus8 nexus12 nidus6 nisus5 nodus6 ombus9 oncus7 onkus9 ousel5 ousts5
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