Metric is valid Scrabble Word

Is metric a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is metric valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for METRIC in dictionary:

Words related to METRIC

metrically17 metrics11

Words that contain METRIC

metrics11 dimetric13 metrical12 biometric15 diametric14 geometric14 isometric13 metricate13 metrician13 metricise13 metricism15 metricist13 metricize22 nonmetric13 prometric15 symmetric18 trimetric13 udometric14 zoometric22 aerometric14 allometric14 arsmetrick18 asymmetric19 barometric16 biometrics16 bolometric16 cliometric16 cryometric19 cytometric19 decametric17 decimetric17 dekametric19 dosimetric15 ergometric15 gasometric15 geometrics15 hexametric24 iodometric15 isometrics14 kilometric18 lysimetric17 manometric16 metrically17 metricated15 metricates14 metricians14 metricised15 metricises14 metricisms16 metricists14 metricized24 metricizes23 monometric16 optometric16 osmometric16 parametric16 perimetric16 plyometric19 pyrometric19 rheometric17 salimetric14 tasimetric14 telemetric14 tonometric14 unmetrical14 volumetric17 acidimetric18 anemometric17 anisometric15 araeometric15 arsmetricks19 astrometric15 audiometric16 axonometric22 bathometric20 bathymetric23 biometrical17 bisymmetric22 centimetric17 clinometric17 cliometrics17 coulometric17 densimetric16 diametrical16 econometric17 eudiometric16 geometrical16 goniometric16 gravimetric19 heliometric18 hydrometric22 hygrometric22 hypermetric23 hypsometric23 isometrical15 metricating16 metrication15 metricising16 metricizing25 micrometric19 nitrometric15 Show more ...

How to use METRIC in a sentence

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