Lex is valid Scrabble Word

Is lex a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is lex valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for LEX in dictionary:

Words related to LEX

leges6 lexes12

Words that contain LEX

flex14 ilex11 plex13 ulex11 culex14 flexo15 lexes12 lexis12 silex12 telex12 flexi15 alexia13 alexic15 alexin13 biflex18 deflex17 diplex16 duplex16 flexed17 flexes16 flexor16 flexos16 ilexes13 implex17 isolex13 lexeme15 lexica15 plexal15 plexed16 plexes15 plexor15 plexus15 pollex15 reflex16 scolex15 suplex15 ulexes13 flexis16 alexias14 alexine14 alexins14 apoplex18 complex20 culexes16 flexile17 flexing18 flexion17 flexors17 flexure17 funplex19 lexemes16 lexemic18 lexical16 lexicon16 lexises14 perplex18 plexing17 plexors16 plexure16 silexes14 simplex18 telexed15 telexes14 triplex16 ulexite14 alexines15 alexinic17 amplexus19 apoplexy22 cineplex19 deflexed20 deflexes19 diplexer18 duplexed19 duplexer18 duplexes18 dyslexia19 dyslexic21 flexagon19 flexible20 flexibly23 flexions18 flextime20 flexuose18 flexuous18 flexural18 flexures18 flexwing22 fourplex20 implexes19 inflexed19 isolexes15 lexicons17 lexigram18 megaplex20 octuplex19 plexures17 plexuses17 quadplex27 reflexed19 reflexes18 Show more ...

How to use LEX in a sentence

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