Legal is valid Scrabble Word

Is legal a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is legal valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for LEGAL in dictionary:

Words related to LEGAL

legally11 legals7

Words that contain LEGAL

legals7 illegal8 legally11 illegals9 legalese9 legalise9 legalism11 legalist9 legality12 legalize18 nonlegal9 prelegal11 illegally13 legaleses10 legalised11 legaliser10 legalises10 legalisms12 legalists10 legalized20 legalizer19 legalizes19 paralegal12 talegalla10 extralegal18 illegalise11 illegality14 illegalize20 legalisers11 legalising12 legalistic13 legalities11 legalizers20 legalizing21 paralegals13 talegallas11 illegalised13 illegalises12 illegalized22 illegalizes21 medicolegal17 extralegally23 illegalising14 illegalities13 illegalizing23 legalisation13 legalization22 legalisations14 legalizations23 illegalisation15 illegalization24 legalistically20 illegalisations16 illegalizations25

How to use LEGAL in a sentence

Similar words containing LEG without suffix al

leg4 cleg7 fleg8 gleg6 legs5 clegs8 elegy9 flegs9 hyleg12 leger6 leges6 legge7 leggo7 leggy10 legit6 alegar7 alegge8 allege7 bowleg12 dogleg9 elegit7 glegly11 hylegs13 legacy12 legals7 legate7 legato7 legend8 legers7 legged9 legger8 legges8 leggie8 leggin8 legion7 legist7 legits7 leglan7 leglen7 leglet7 leglin7 legman9 legmen9 legong8 leguan7 legume9 midleg10 phlegm14 proleg9 redleg8 telega7 alegars8 alegged10 alegges9 alleged9 alleger8 alleges8 allegge9 allegro8 bootleg10 bowlegs13 college10 doglegs10 elegant8 elegiac10 elegies8 elegise8 elegist8 elegits8 elegize17 flegged13 foreleg11 gateleg9 glegger10 hindleg12 illegal8 jackleg21 legally11 legated9 legatee8 legates8 legator8 legatos8 legends9 leggers9 leggier9 leggies9 legging10 leggins9 leggism11 leghold12 leghorn11 legible10 legibly13 legions8 legists8 legitim10 leglans8 leglens8 legless8 leglets8 leglike12 leglins8 legongs9 legroom10 legside9 leguaan8 leguans8 legumes10 legumin10 legwear11 legwork15 midlegs11 pantleg10 phlegms15 phlegmy18 prolegs10 redlegs9 telegas8 ablegate11 alegging11 allegers9 allegged11 allegges10 alleging10 allegory12 allegros9 blackleg17 bootlegs11 colleger11 colleges11 collegia11 delegacy15 delegate10 diplegia12 diplegic14 elegance11 elegancy14 elegiacs11 elegiast9 elegised10 elegises9 elegists9 elegized19 elegizes18 flegging14 forelegs12 gatelegs10 gleggest11 glegness10 hindlegs13 illegals9 jacklegs22 legacies11 legalese9 legalise9 legalism11 legalist9 legality12 legalize18 legatary12 legatees9 legatine9 legating10 legation9 legators9 legendry13 legering10 legerity12 leggiero10 leggiest10 leggings11 leggisms12 legholds13 leghorns12 legioned10 legitims11 legrooms11 legsides10 leguaans9 legumins11 legwears12 legworks16 nonlegal9 pantlegs11 phlegmon16 prelegal11 relegate9 roughleg13 shearleg12 sheerleg12 taleggio10 telegony12 telegram11 wayleggo16 ablegates12 allegedly14 allegging12 allegiant10 allegoric12 aquilegia19 bafflegab20 blacklegs18 bowlegged17 bubblegum18 cablegram16 collegers12 collegial12 collegian12 collegium14 delegable13 delegated12 delegatee11 delegates11 delegator11 diplegias13 doglegged14 elegances12 elegantly13 elegiacal12 elegiasts10 elegising11 elegizing20 illegally13 illegible12 illegibly15 inelegant10 jockteleg23 junglegym23 legaleses10 legalised11 legaliser10 legalises10 legalisms12 legalists10 legalized20 legalizer19 legalizes19 legations10 legendary14 legendise11 legendist11 legendize20 legerings11 legginess11 legginged13 legionary13 legislate10 legwarmer15 misallege12 nonlegume12 paralegal12 peglegged15 phlegmier17 phlegmons17 privilege15 relegable12 relegated11 relegates10 roughlegs14 sacrilege12 shearlegs13 sheerlegs13 sortilege10 sortilegy13 spicilege14 talegalla10 taleggios11 telegenic12 telegonic12 telegrams12 telegraph15 unalleged11 allegation11 allegeance13 allegiance13 allegiants11 allegories11 allegorise11 allegorist11 allegorize20 allegretto11 aquilegias20 bafflegabs21 barelegged15 bootlegged15 bootlegger14 bubblegums19 cablegrams17 collegians13 collegiate13 collegiums15 delegacies14 delegatees12 delegating13 delegation12 delegators12 doglegging15 elegancies13 extralegal18
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