It is valid Scrabble Word

Is it a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is it valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for IT in dictionary:

Words that contain IT

ait3 bit5 cit5 dit4 fit6 git4 hit6 ita3 its3 kit7 lit3 nit3 pit5 rit3 sit3 tit3 wit6 zit12 jit10 itd4 adit5 aits4 aitu4 alit4 bait6 bite6 bito6 bits6 bitt6 blit6 brit6 chit9 cite6 cito6 cits6 city9 clit6 coit6 crit6 cuit6 dita5 dite5 dits5 ditt5 ditz14 doit5 duit5 edit5 emit6 exit11 fits7 fitt7 flit7 frit7 gait5 geit5 gite5 gits5 glit5 grit5 hits7 isit4 itas4 itch9 item6 kite8 kith11 kits8 knit8 lite4 lith7 lits4 litu4 luit4 mite6 mitt6 mity9 moit6 nite4 nits4 obit6 omit6 pita6 pith9 pits6 pity9 quit13 rait4 rite4 rits4 ritt4 ritz13 shit7 site4 sith7 sits4 sitz13 skit8 slit4 smit6 snit4 spit6 suit4 tait4 tite4 titi4 tits4 toit4 twit7 unit4 vita7 vite7 wait7 whit10 wite7 with10 wits7 writ7 yite7 zite13 ziti13 zits13 iter4 ital4 fait7 absit7 adits6 admit8 afrit8 agita6 aitch10 aitus5 akita9 ambit9 amity10 amrit7 audit6 await8 axite12 baith10 baits7 befit10 besit7 binit7 bitch12 biter7 bites7 bitos7 bitou7 bitsy10 bitte7 bitts7 bitty10 blite7 blits7 blitz16 boite7 brith10 brits7 britt7 bruit7 chits10 cital7 cited8 citer7 cites7 clits7 coits7 crith10 crits7 cubit9 cuits7 cunit7 davit9 debit8 deity9 demit8 digit7 dital6 ditas6 ditch11 dited7 dites6 ditsy9 ditto6 ditts6 ditty9 ditzy18 dixit13 doits6 droit6 duits6 edits6 eejit12 elite5 emits7 enlit5 evite8 exits12 faith11 fecit10 fitch13 fitly11 fitna8 fitte8 fitts8 fixit15 flite8 flits8 flitt8 freit8 frith11 frits8 fritt8 fritz17 fruit8 gaita6 gaits6 gaitt6 geits6 gitch11 gites6 glits6 glitz15 grith9 grits6 habit10 haith11 hitch13 hithe11 immit9 innit5 inwit8 itchy13 items7 ither8 kited10 kiter9 kites9 kithe12 kiths12 kitty12 kitul9 knits9 krait9 laith8 laity8 legit6 licit7 limit7 litai5 litas5 lited6 liter5 lites5 lithe8 litho8 liths8 litre5 meith10 merit7 mitch12 miter7 mites7 mitis7 mitre7 mitts7 moits7 musit7 nepit7 niter5 nites5 nitid6 niton5 nitre5 nitro5 nitry8 nitty8 nooit5 obiit7 obits7 omits7 oobit7 orbit7 oubit7 petit7 pewit10 pipit9 pitas7 pitch12 piths10 pithy13 piton7 pitot7 pitta7 plait7 posit7 qubit16 quite14 quits14

How to use IT in a sentence

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