Inspection is valid Scrabble Word

Is inspection a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is inspection valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for INSPECTION in dictionary:

Words related to INSPECTION

inspect11 vidimus13

Words that contain INSPECTION

inspections15 inspectional16 reinspection16 reinspections17

How to use INSPECTION in a sentence

Similar words containing SPEC without suffix tion and without prefix in

spec8 speck13 specs9 spect9 aspect10 speccy15 specie10 specks14 specky17 spects10 aspects11 inspect11 respect11 specced14 special11 species11 specify17 specked16 speckle15 spected12 specter11 spectra11 spectre11 specula11 suspect11 aspected13 especial12 flyspeck22 inspects12 kenspeck20 prospect14 respects12 speccier14 speccies14 speccing15 specials12 speciate12 specific17 specimen14 specious12 speckier16 speckies16 specking17 speckled17 speckles16 spectate12 specters12 specting13 spectral12 spectres12 spectrin12 spectrum14 specular12 speculum14 sunspecs12 suspects12 aspecting14 aspectual13 bespeckle19 flyspecks23 inspected14 inspector13 prospects15 reinspect13 respecify19 respected14 respecter13 specciest15 specialer13 specially16 specialty16 speciated14 speciates13 specifics18 specified17 specifier16 specifies16 specimens15 speckiest17 speckless17 speckling18 spectacle15 spectated14 spectates13 spectator13 spectrins13 spectrums15 speculate13 speculums15 suspected14 suspecter13 unsuspect13 aspectable16 bespeckled21 bespeckles20 conspectus16 disrespect15 ecospecies16 especially17 flyspecked25 inspecting15 inspective17 inspectors14 introspect14 kenspeckle22 outspeckle18 prespecify22 prospected17 prospector16 prospectus16 reinspects14 respectant14 respecters14 respectful17 respecting15 respective17 retrospect14 specialest14 specialise14 specialism16 specialist14 speciality17 specialize23 specialled15 speciating15 speciation14 speciesism16 speciesist14 specifical19 specifiers17 specifying21 speciocide17 speciosity17 speciously17 spectacled17 spectacles16 spectating15 spectators14 spectatrix21 spectrally17 specularly17 speculated15 speculates14 speculator14 subspecies16 suspecters14 suspectful17 suspecting15 unspecific19 bespeckling22 cenospecies17 circumspect21 conspecific22 disrespects16 ecospecific22 flyspecking26 inspectable17 inspections15 inspectoral15 introspects15 nonspecific20 nonspecular15 outspeckles19 perspective20 prospecting18 prospection17 prospective20 prospectors17 reinspected16 respecified19 respecifies18 respectable17 respectably20 respectless15 retrospects15 specialised16 specialiser15 specialises15 specialisms17 specialists15 specialized25 specializer24 specializes24 specialling16 specialness15 specialogue16 specialties15 speciations15 speciesisms17 speciesists15 specifiable20 specificate20 specificity23 speciocides18 spectacular17 spectatress15 spectrality18 spectrogram18 spectrology19 specularity18 speculating16 speculation15 speculatist15 speculative18 speculators15 speculatory18 speculatrix22 subspecific22 suspectable17 suspectedly19 suspectless15 uninspected16 unrespected16 unspecified19 unsuspected16 bioprospect19 nonspectral15 bespectacled21 coenospecies18 conspecifics23 conspectuity21 conspectuses18 disrespected18 inspectingly20 inspectional16 inspectorate16 inspectorial16 interspecies16 intraspecies16 introspected17 irrespective19 microspecies20 monospecific23 multispecies18 perspectival21 perspectives21 prespecified22 prespecifies21 prospectings19 prospections18 prospectives21 prospectless18 prospectuses18 reinspecting17 reinspection16 respecifying23 respectables18 respectfully22 respectively22 retrospected17 specialisers16 specialising17 specialistic18 specialities16 specializers25 specializing26 specialogues17 speciational16 specifically24 specificated22 specificates21 speciosities16 speciousness16 speckledness21 specksioneer20 specktioneer20 spectaculars18 spectatorial16 spectatrices18 spectatrixes23 spectralness16 spectrograms19 spectrograph22 spectrometer18 spectrometry21 spectroscope20 spectroscopy23 speculations16 speculatists16 speculatrice18 subinspector18 subspecialty21 superspecial18 superspecies18 unrespective19 unspectacled19 unsuspecting17 bioprospects20 nonspecifics21 circumspectly26 disrespectful21 disrespecting19 infraspecific25 inspectorates17 inspectorship22 interspecific22 intraspecific22 introspecting18 introspection17 introspective20
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