Imposter is valid Scrabble Word

Is imposter a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is imposter valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for IMPOSTER in dictionary:

Words related to IMPOSTER

impost10 imposters13

Words that contain IMPOSTER


How to use IMPOSTER in a sentence

Similar words containing POST without suffix er and without prefix im

post6 posts7 impost10 postal8 posted9 poster8 postie8 postil8 postin8 postop10 repost8 ripost8 airpost9 apostil9 apostle9 bedpost12 compost13 dispost10 imposts11 outpost9 postage10 postals9 postbag12 postbox18 postboy14 postbus11 postdoc12 posteen9 postern9 posters9 postfix19 posties9 postils9 posting10 postins9 postman11 postmen11 postops11 posttax16 posture9 postwar12 reposts9 riposte9 riposts9 waypost15 airposts10 apostacy15 apostasy13 apostate10 apostils10 apostles10 bedposts13 blogpost13 composts14 disposts11 doorpost11 footpost13 gatepost11 goalpost11 heelpost13 imposted13 impostor12 kingpost15 lamppost14 milepost12 outposts10 overpost13 postages11 postally13 postanal10 postbags13 postbase12 postboys15 postburn12 postcard13 postcava15 postcode13 postcoup14 postdate11 postdive14 postdocs13 postdrug12 posteens10 postered11 posterns10 postface15 postfire13 postform15 postgame13 postgrad12 postheat13 posthole13 postical12 postiche15 postiled11 postings11 postique19 postlude11 postmark16 postnati10 postoral10 postpaid13 postpone12 postpose12 postpunk16 postrace12 postriot10 postshow16 postsync15 postteen10 posttest10 postural10 postured11 posturer10 postures10 reposted11 riposted11 ripostes10 signpost11 unposted11 wayposts16 postfact15 postlike14 freepost13 apostates11 apostatic13 apostille11 apostolic13 blogposts14 composted16 composter15 disposted13 doorposts12 exposture18 flyposter17 footposts14 gateposts12 goalposts12 guidepost13 heelposts14 hypostome19 hypostyle20 imposters13 imposting14 impostors13 impostume15 imposture13 kingposts16 lampposts15 mileposts13 nonpostal11 overposts14 postaxial18 postbases13 postboxes20 postbuses13 postcards14 postcavae16 postcaval16 postcavas16 postcoded15 postcodes14 postcrash16 postdated13 postdates12 postering12 posterior11 posterise11 posterity14 posterize20 postfaces16 postfault14 postfixal21 postfixed22 postfixes21 postforms16 postgrads13 posthaste14 postheats14 postholes14 posthorse14 posthouse14 postiches16 posticous13 postiling12 postilion11 postilled12 postiller11 postiques20 postludes12 postmarks17 postnasal11 postnatal11 postponed14 postponer13 postpones13 postposed14 postposes13 postpunks17 postrider12 postsyncs16 postteens11 posttests11 posttrial11 postulant11 postulata11 postulate11 posturers11 posturing12 posturise11 posturist11 posturize20 postviral14 postwoman16 postwomen16 prepostor13 reposting12 riposting12 signposts12 soundpost12 sternpost11 posttruth14 freeposts14 apostacies14 apostasies12 apostatise12 apostatize21 apostilles12 apostolate12 apostolise12 apostolize21 apostrophe17 billposter14 composters16 composting17 composture16 disposting14 expostures19 fingerpost16 flyposters18 flyposting19 guideposts14 hypostases18 hypostasis18 hypostatic20 hypostomes20 hypostress18 hypostyles21 imposthume19 impostrous14 impostumed17 impostumes16 impostures14 overposted16 postarrest12 postatomic16 postattack18 postbellum16 postbusses14 postcarded16 postcoding16 postcoital14 postcrisis14 postdating14 postdebate15 posteriors12 posterised13 posterises12 posterized22 posterizes21 postexilic21 postfixing23 postflight19 postformed18 postfreeze24 posthastes15 postheated16 postholder16 posthorses15 posthouses15 posthumous17 postilions12 postillate12 postillers12 postilling13 postillion12 postimpact18 postlaunch17 postliminy17 postmarked19 postmaster14 postmating15 postmodern15 postmortem16 postocular14 postpartum16 postperson14 postponers14 postponing15 postposing15
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