Hired is valid Scrabble Word

Is hired a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is hired valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for HIRED in dictionary:

Words related to HIRED

hire7 hires8 hiring10

Words that contain HIRED

shired10 rehired11 unhired11 outhired12 sapphired17

How to use HIRED in a sentence

Similar words containing HIR without suffix ed

hire7 shir7 thir7 whir10 chirk14 chirl10 chirm12 chiro10 chirp12 chirr10 chirt10 chiru10 hiree8 hirer8 hires8 shire8 shirk12 shirr8 shirs8 shirt8 third9 thirl8 whirl11 whirr11 whirs11 awhirl12 bichir13 chiral11 chirks15 chirls11 chirms13 chiros11 chirps13 chirpy16 chirre11 chirrs11 chirts11 chirus11 hirage10 hirees9 hirers9 hiring10 hirple11 hirsel9 hirsle9 jaghir17 kephir15 menhir11 pohiri11 rehire9 shiraz18 shired10 shires9 shirks13 shirra9 shirrs9 shirts9 shirty12 thiram11 thirds10 thirls9 thirst9 thirty12 whirls12 whirly15 whirrs12 whirry15 whirra12 hirola9 achiral12 athirst10 bichirs14 birchir14 chirked17 chirker16 chirled13 chirmed15 chirped15 chirper14 chirred13 chirren12 chirres12 chirrup14 chirted13 hirable12 hirages11 hircine12 hireage11 hirings11 hirling11 hirpled13 hirples12 hirsels10 hirsled11 hirsles10 hirstie10 hirsute10 hirudin11 jaghire18 jaghirs18 Show more ...
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