Het is valid Scrabble Word

Is het a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is het valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for HET in dictionary:

Words related to HET

heat7 heated10 heating11 heats8 hete7 hets7

Words that contain HET

hete7 heth10 hets7 khet11 shet7 whet10 ashet8 cheth13 hetes8 heths11 kheth15 khets12 shets8 theta8 thete8 whets11 ashets9 awheto12 cachet13 chetah14 cheths14 ghetto10 hetero9 hether12 heting10 hetman11 hetmen11 hettie9 kheths16 rachet11 rhetor9 rochet11 sachet11 thetas9 thetch14 thetes9 thetic11 thetri9 aphetic14 awhetos13 blushet12 brachet14 cachets14 chetahs15 chetnik16 chetrum14 crochet14 epithet12 esthete10 fitchet15 freshet13 ghettos11 guichet13 hatchet15 hetaera10 hetaira10 heteros10 hetmans12 hetties10 latchet12 linchet12 lynchet15 machete14 manchet14 matchet14 merchet14 nymphet17 plashet12 prophet14 rachets12 ratchet12 rhetors10 rochets12 sachets12 shochet15 thether13 watchet15 whether16 whetted14 whetter13 thetris10 aesthete11 antithet11 aphetise13 aphetize22 athetise11 athetize20 athetoid12 bathetic15 blushets13 brachets15 bratchet15 cacheted16 catheter13 cathetus13 chetniks17 chetrums15 crochets15 crotchet15 enthetic13 epithets13 Show more ...

How to use HET in a sentence

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