Hates is valid Scrabble Word

Is hates a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is hates valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for HATES in dictionary:

Words related to HATES

hate7 hated9 hating10

Words that contain HATES

achates12 lithates11 rechates13 alphatest14 leachates14 overhates15 sulphates14 xanthates19 alphatests15 caliphates17 eparchates17 exarchates22 kaliphates19 phosphates20 alphatested17 bisulphates18 disulphates17 alphatesting18 dendrachates19 diphosphates23 persulphates19 tetrarchates17 hyposulphates26 matriarchates20 patriarchates20 pyrosulphates23 thiosulphates21 triphosphates23 nonphosphates23 hydrosulphates26 hypophosphates32 metaphosphates26 monophosphates26 photosynthates25 pyrophosphates29 orthophosphates28 superphosphates27 organophosphates27

How to use HATES in a sentence

Similar words containing HATE without suffix s

hate7 hated9 hater8 haters9 whaten12 whatev15 achates12 chateau12 hateful13 lithate10 rechate12 whatevs16 chateaus13 chateaux20 conchate15 hateable13 hateless11 haterent11 leachate13 lithates11 moschate15 overhate14 rechates13 scyphate18 sulphate13 whatever17 xanthate18 alphatest14 caliphate16 chatelain14 eparchate16 exarchate21 hatefully18 haterents12 kaliphate18 leachates14 moschatel16 overhated16 overhates15 phosphate19 sulphated15 sulphates14 xanthates19 alphatests15 bisulphate17 caliphates17 chatelaine15 chatelains15 disulphate16 eparchates17 exarchates22 hateworthy22 kaliphates19 moschatels17 phosphated21 phosphates20 washateria16 hatemonger16 alphatested17 bisulphates18 chatelaines16 dendrachate18 diphosphate22 disulphates17 hatefulness17 persulphate18 tetrarchate16 washaterias17 hatemongers17 alphatesting18 dendrachates19 diphosphates23 hatelessness15 hyposulphate25 matriarchate19 nonphosphate22 patriarchate19 persulphates19 pyrosulphate22 tetrarchates17 thiosulphate20 triphosphate22 hateworthier21 chateaubriand21 hatefulnesses19 hydrosulphate25 hypophosphate31 hyposulphates26 matriarchates20 metaphosphate25 monophosphate25 patriarchates20 photosynthate24 pyrophosphate28 pyrosulphates23 thiosulphates21 triphosphates23 nonphosphates23 hatemongering20 hateworthiest22 Show more ...
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