Hants is valid Scrabble Word

Is hants a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is hants valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for HANTS in dictionary:

Words related to HANTS

hant7 hanted10 hanting11

Words that contain HANTS

chants11 mahants12 enchants13 etchants13 bacchants18 elephants14 merchants16 oliphants14 penchants16 sycophants20 disenchants17 hierophants19 plainchants18 extinguishants25

How to use HANTS in a sentence

Similar words containing HANT without suffix s

hant7 chant10 shant8 chants11 chanty14 hanted10 hantle9 mahant11 shanti9 shanty12 chanted13 chanter12 chantey15 chantie12 chantor12 chantry15 enchant12 etchant12 hanting11 hantles10 mahants12 phantom14 shantey13 shantih13 shantis10 bacchant17 chantage14 chanters13 chanteys16 chanties13 chanting14 chantors13 couchant15 elephant13 enchants13 etchants13 merchant15 oliphant13 penchant15 phantasm15 phantast13 phantasy16 phantoms15 phantomy18 schantze22 shanteys14 shanties11 shantihs14 shantung12 bacchante18 bacchants18 chantable16 chantages15 chanteuse14 chantilly17 chantings15 chantress14 chantries14 elephants14 enchanted15 enchanter14 merchants16 mishanter14 oliphants14 penchants16 phantasim16 phantasma16 phantasms16 phantasts14 phantosme16 schantzes23 shantungs13 shantyman17 shantymen17 sycophant19 trenchant14 bacchantes19 chantecler17 chanteuses15 chantingly19 disenchant16 enchanters15 enchanting16 hantavirus16 hierophant18 marchantia17 merchanted18 merchantry20 mischanter17 mishanters15 phantasied16 phantasies15 phantasime17 phantasims17 phantasmal17 phantasmic19 phantastic17 phantastry18 phantomish20 phantosmes17 plainchant17 shantytown19 subchanter17 sycophants20 triumphant17 trochanter15 bacchantic21 chantarelle16 chanteclers18 chanterelle16 chanticleer18 chantresses16 disenchants17 elephantine16 elephantoid17 enchantment18 enchantress16 hierophants19 intrenchant16 marchantias18 merchanting19 merchantman20 merchantmen20 mischanters18 phantasiast16 phantasimes18 phantasmata18 phantastics18 phantasying20 phantomatic20 phantomlike22 plainchants18 shantytowns20 subchanters18 sycophantic23 sycophantly24 sycophantry24 trenchantly19 trochanters16 unenchanted17 uninchanted17 enchantedly20 chantarelles17 chanterelles17 chanticleers19 disenchanted19 disenchanter18 enchantingly21 enchantments19 hantaviruses18 hierophantic22 merchantable21 merchantings20 merchantlike23 merchantries19 phantasiasts17 phantasmally22 phantasmical21 phantastries17 strophanthin20 strophanthus20 sycophantise22 sycophantish25 sycophantism24 sycophantize31 triumphantly22 trochanteral17 trochanteric19 disenchanters19 disenchanting20 elephantiases18 elephantiasic20 elephantiasis18 enchantresses18 extinguishant24 phantasmagory24 phantasmalian20 phantasmality23 strophanthins21 sycophantical25 sycophantised24 sycophantises23 sycophantisms25 sycophantized33 sycophantizes32 sycophantries23 sycophantlier23 disenchantment22 disenchantress20 extinguishants25 phantasmagoria22 phantasmagoric24 phantasmically26 strophanthuses22 sycophantishly30 sycophantising25 sycophantizing34 unmerchantable23 sycophantliest24 disenchantingly25 disenchantments23 merchantability27 phantasmagorial23 phantasmagorias23 phantasmagories23 phantasmalities22 sycophantically30 merchantabiliti24 phantasmagorica25 phantasmagorical26 merchantabilities26
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