Fra is valid Scrabble Word

Is fra a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is fra valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for FRA in dictionary:

Words related to FRA


Words that contain FRA

frab9 frae7 frag8 frap9 fras7 frat7 frau7 fray10 frabs10 frack14 fract10 frags9 frail8 fraim10 frame10 franc10 frank12 frape10 fraps10 frass8 frate8 frati8 frats8 fraud9 fraus8 frays11 infra8 frais8 affrap14 affray15 afraid10 defrag11 defray13 effray15 fracas11 fracks15 fracti11 fracts11 fraena9 fragor10 frails9 fraims11 fraise9 framed12 framer11 frames11 franco11 francs11 franks13 franzy21 fraped12 frapes11 frappe13 fratch14 frater9 fratry12 frauds10 frayed13 frazil18 orfray12 affraps15 affrays16 defrags12 defraud12 defrays14 effrays16 enframe12 frabbed15 frabbit14 fracked17 fracker16 fractal12 fracted13 fractur12 fractus12 fraenum12 fragged13 fragile11 fragors11 frailer10 frailly13 frailty13 fraised11 fraises10 fraktur14 framers12 framing13 frampal14 franger11 franion10 franked15 franker14 frankly17 frankum16 frantic12 fraping13 frapped15 frappee14 frappes14 frasses10 fratchy18 fraters10 fratery13 fraught14 frawzey25 fraying14 frazils19 frazzle28 infract12 offramp17 orfrays13 refract12 refrain10 reframe12 wolfram15 affrayed18 affrayer17 airframe13 bedframe16 defrauds13 defrayal15 defrayed16 defrayer15 diffract17 effraide15 enframed14 enframes13 frabbing16 frabjous20 fracases13 frackers17 fracking18 fractals13 fracting14 fraction13 fracture13 fracturs13 fraenums13 fragging14 fragiler12 fragment14 fragrant12 frailest11 frailish14 frailtee11 fraising12 frakturs15 framable15 framings14 frampler15 frampold16 francise13 francium15 francize22 frangers12 franions11 frankers15 frankest15 franking16 franklin15 frankums17 franzier20 frapeage14 frappant15 frapping16 frascati13 fratches16 fratries11 fraudful15 fraughan15 fraughts15 fraulein11 frautage12 frawzeys26 frayings15 frazzled30 frazzles29 hausfrau14 infracts13 infrared12 keyframe20 misframe15 offramps18 prefrank17 refracts13 refrains11 reframed14 reframes13 riffraff20 safranin11 subframe15 suffrage15 taffrail14 unafraid12 unframed14 wolframs16 frameset13 affrapped20 affrayers18 affraying19 airframes14 antifraud13 bedframes17 chamfrain19 defragged16 defragger15 defrauded15 defrauder14 defrayals16 defrayers16 defraying17 diffracts18 doorframe15 enframing15 frackings19 fractions14 fractious14 fractural14 fractured15 fracturer14 fractures14 fraggings15 fragilely16 fragilest13 fragility16 fragments15 fragrance15 fragrancy18 fraicheur17 frailness12 frailtees12 frailties12 frambesia16 framboise16 frameable16 frameless14 framework21 framplers16 franchise17 francised15 francises14 franciums16 francized24 francizes23 francolin14 frangible15 franglais13 frankable18 frankfort19 frankfurt19 franklins16 frankness16 franseria12 franticly17 franziest21 frapeages15 frascatis14 fratchety20 fratchier17 fratching18 frateries12 fraternal12 fraudsman15 fraudsmen15 fraudster13 fraughans16 fraughted17 fraughter16 frauleins12 frautages13 frazzling31 hausfraus15 headframe18 infracted15 infractor14 infrareds13 keyframes21 mainframe16 misframed17 misframes16 ossifraga13 ossifrage13 overfrank19 packframe22 prefranks18 refracted15 refractor14 refrained13 refrainer12 reframing15 riffraffs21 safranine12 safranins12 sassafras12 saxifrage20 subframes16 suffragan16 suffrages16 taffrails15 timeframe16

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