Farmer is valid Scrabble Word

Is farmer a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is farmer valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for FARMER in dictionary:

Words related to FARMER


Words that contain FARMER

farmers12 farmery15 farmeress14 farmeries14 nonfarmer14 farmerette15 nonfarmers15 farmeresses16 farmerettes16 sharefarmer19 sharefarmers20

How to use FARMER in a sentence

Similar words containing FARM without suffix er

farm9 farms10 farmed12 farmers12 farmery15 farming13 farmost12 nonfarm12 aquafarm22 birdfarm16 farmable15 farmhand17 farmings14 farmland14 farmwife19 farmwork20 farmyard17 studfarm14 aquafarms23 birdfarms17 farmeress14 farmeries14 farmhands18 farmhouse17 farmlands15 farmstead15 farmwives20 farmworks21 farmyards18 nonfarmer14 studfarms15 superfarm16 aquafarmed25 farmerette15 farmhouses18 farmsteads16 farmworker22 nonfarmers15 superfarms17 aquafarming26 farmeresses16 farmerettes16 farmworkers23 sharefarmer19 aquafarmings27 sharefarmers20
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