Fa is valid Scrabble Word

Is fa a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is fa valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for FA in dictionary:

Words related to FA

fah9 fas6

Words that contain FA

faa6 fab8 fad7 fae6 fag7 fah9 fan6 fap8 far6 fas6 fat6 faw9 fax13 fay9 afar7 alfa7 faan7 faas7 fabs9 face9 fact9 fade8 fado8 fads8 fady11 faff13 fags8 fahs10 faik11 fail7 fain7 fair7 faix14 fake11 fall7 falx14 fame9 fand8 fane7 fang8 fank11 fano7 fans7 fard8 fare7 farl7 farm9 faro7 fars7 fart7 fash10 fast7 fate7 fats7 faun7 faur7 faut7 faux14 fava10 fave10 fawn10 faws10 fays10 faze16 jafa14 ofay10 offa10 sofa7 tufa7 fale7 fait7 afald9 afara8 afars8 alfas8 buffa13 chufa13 defat9 fabby15 fable10 faced11 facer10 faces10 facet10 facia10 facta10 facts10 faddy13 faded10 fader9 fades9 fadge10 fados9 faena8 faery11 faffs14 faffy17 faggy13 fagin9 fagot9 faiks12 fails8 faine8 fains8 faint8 fairs8 fairy11 faith11 faked13 faker12 fakes12 fakey15 fakie12 fakir12 falaj15 falls8 false8 famed11 fames10 fanal8 fancy13 fands9 fanes8 fanga9 fango9 fangs9 fanks12 fanny11 fanon8 fanos8 fanum10 faqir17 farad9 farce10 farci10 farcy13 fards9 fared9 farer8 fares8 farle8 farls8 farms10 faros8 farse8 farts8 fasci10 fasti8 fasts8 fatal8 fated9 fates8 fatly11 fatso8 fatty11 fatwa11 faugh12 fauld9 fault8 fauna8 fauns8 faurd9 fauts8 fauve11 favas11 favel11 faver11 faves11 favor11 favus11 fawns11 fawny14 faxed16 faxes15 fayed12 fayer11 fayne11 fayre11 fazed18 fazes17 halfa11 jafas15 jaffa18 loofa8 luffa11 nakfa12 ofays11 offal11 puffa13 sofar8 sofas8 sulfa8 trefa8 tufas8 yarfa11 farro8 facto10 faute8 faire8 facie10 aefald10 afaras9 afawld13 affair12 alfaki13 befall11 befana11 biface13 cafard12 carfax18 chufas14 confab13 deface12 defame12 defang11 defast10 defats10 efface14 enface11 enfant9 faaing10 fabber13 fabled12 fabler11 fables11 fablet11 fabric13 facade12 facers11 facete11 facets11 faceup13 faciae11 facial11 facias11 facies11 facile11 facing12 factis11 factor11 factum13 facula11 faddle11 fadein10 faders10 fadeur10 fadged12 fadges11 fadier10 fading11 faecal11 faeces11 faenas9 faerie9 faffed16 fagged12 faggot11 fagins10 fagots10 faible11 faiked14 faikes13 failed10 faille9 fained10 fainer9 faines9 fainly12 fainne9 faints9 fainty12 faired10 fairer9 fairly12 faiths12 faitor9 fajita16 fakeer13 fakers13 fakery16 fakeys16 fakier13 fakies13 faking14 fakirs13 falces11 falcon11 fallal9 fallen9 faller9 fallow12 falsed10 falser9 falses9 falsie9 falter9 family14 famine11 faming12 famish14

How to use FA in a sentence

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