Exalts is valid Scrabble Word

Is exalts a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is exalts valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for EXALTS in dictionary:

Words related to EXALTS

exalt12 exalted15 exalting16

Words that contain EXALTS


How to use EXALTS in a sentence

Similar words containing ALT without suffix s and without prefix ex

alt3 alto4 alts4 dalt5 halt7 malt6 salt4 altar5 alter5 altho8 altos5 balti7 dalts6 dealt6 exalt12 halts8 malts7 malty10 salto5 salts5 salty8 shalt8 smalt7 spalt7 walty11 waltz17 altars6 altern6 alters6 alteza15 althea9 baltic10 baltis8 basalt8 caltha11 cobalt10 dalton7 desalt7 falter9 fealty12 halted10 halter9 health12 lealty9 malted9 maltha11 maltol8 palter8 paltry11 realty9 rialto6 salted7 salter6 saltie6 saltly9 saltos6 saltus6 smalti8 smalto8 smalts8 spalts8 stealt6 wealth12 altered8 alterer7 alterne7 altesse7 altezas16 altezza25 althaea10 altheas10 althorn10 altoist7 appalti11 appalto11 asphalt12 basalts9 calthas12 caltrap11 caltrop11 cobalts11 daltons8 desalts8 exalted15 exalter14 falters10 gestalt8 haltere10 halters10 halting11 healths13 healthy16 loyalty13 maltase9 malteds10 maltese9 malthas12 maltier9 malting10 maltman11 maltmen11 maltols9 maltose9 oxysalt17 palters9 penalty12 persalt9 psalter9 psaltry12 realter7 realtie7 realtor7 redealt8 rialtos7 royalty13 saltant7 saltate7 saltato7 saltbox16 saltcat9 saltern7 salters7 saltery10 saltest7 saltier7 salties7 saltily10 saltine7 salting8 saltire7 saltish10 saltoed8 saltpan9 shmaltz21 smaltos9 spalted10 stealth10 undealt8 waltier10 waltzed20 waltzer19 waltzes19 wealths13 wealthy16 coaltar9 altarage9 alterant8 alterers8 altering9 alterity11 alternat8 alternes8 altesses8 altezzas26 althaeas11 althorns11 although15 altitude9 altoists8 altrices10 altruism10 altruist8 asphalts13 basaltes10 basaltic12 calthrop15 caltraps12 caltrops12 casualty13 cobaltic14 daltonic11 desalted10 desalter9 exalters15 exalting16 faltboat13 faltered12 falterer11 fealties11 galtonia9 gestalts9 haltered12 halteres11 haltings12 haltless11 jovialty21 lealties8 maltases10 maltiest10 maltings11 maltoses10 maltreat10 maltster10 maltworm15 mealtime12 mesnalty13 misalter10 misdealt11 oversalt11 oxysalts18 paltered11 palterer10 paltrier10 paltrily13 persalts10 prealter10 psalters10 psaltery13 realters8 realties8 realtime10 realtone8 realtors8 saltando9 saltants8 saltated9 saltates8 saltatos8 saltbush13 saltcats10 salterns8 saltfish14 saltiers8 saltiest8 saltines8 saltings9 saltires8 saltless8 saltlike12 saltness8 saltoing9 saltpans10 saltuses8 saltwork15 saltwort11 schmaltz24 shmaltzy25 smaltine10 smaltite10 spalting11 stealths11 stealthy14 unhealth14 unsalted9 waltiest11 waltzers20 waltzing21 coaltars10 maltipoo12 admiralty15 altarages10 altarwise12 alterable11 alterably14 alterants9 altercate11 alternant9 alternate9 alternats9 altigraph15 altimeter11 altimetry14 altiplano11 altissimo11 altitudes10 altricial11 altruisms11 altruists9 asphalted15 asphalter14 asphaltic16 asphaltum16 balthasar14 balthazar23 basaltine11 calthrops16 cobaltine13 cobaltite13 cobaltous13 contralti11 contralto11 daltonian10 daltonism12 desalters10 desalting11 drysalter13 ephialtes14 ephoralty17 exaltedly20 faltboats14 falterers12 faltering13 galtonias10 gestalten10 haltering13 haltingly16 healthful18 healthier15 healthily18 healthism17
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