Ex is valid Scrabble Word

Is ex a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is ex valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for EX in dictionary:

Words related to EX

exed12 exes11 exing13

Words that contain EX

dex11 exo10 hex13 kex14 lex10 rex10 sex10 tex10 vex13 wex13 yex13 zex19 apex13 dexy15 exam13 exec13 exed12 exes11 exit11 exon11 expo13 exul11 flex14 grex12 ibex13 ilex11 next11 plex13 prex13 sext11 sexy14 text11 ulex11 vext14 wexe14 amex13 annex12 capex16 carex14 cimex16 codex15 culex14 desex13 dexes13 dexie13 exact14 exalt12 exams14 excel14 exeat12 execs14 exeem14 exeme14 exert12 exfil15 exies12 exile12 exine12 exing13 exist12 exits12 exode13 exons12 expat14 expel14 expos14 extol12 extra12 exude13 exuls12 exult12 exurb14 fedex16 flexo15 forex15 hexad16 hexed16 hexer15 hexes15 hexyl18 index13 kexes16 latex12 lexes12 lexis12 lurex12 mirex14 murex14 nexts12 nexus12 podex15 prexy17 pyrex17 remex14 rexes12 sexed13 sexer12 sexes12 sexto12 sexts12 silex12 sorex12 telex12 texas12 texes12 texts12 unsex12 urbex14 vexed16 vexer15 vexes15 vexil15 vibex17 vitex15 wexed16 wexes15 yexed16 yexes15 zexes21 exome14 flexi15 regex13 adnexa14 alexia13 alexic15 alexin13 annexe13 apexes15 auspex15 bembex19 biflex18 caudex16 convex18 cortex15 deflex17 dentex14 dexies14 dexter14 dextro14 diplex16 duplex16 exacta15 exacts15 exacum17 exalts13 examen15 exarch18 excamb19 exceed16 excels15 except17 excess15 excide16 excise15 excite15 excuse15 exeats13 exedra14 exeems15 exemed16 exemes15 exempt17 exequy25 exergy17 exerts13 exeunt13 exfils16 exhale16 exhort16 exhume18 exiled14 exiler13 exiles13 exilic15 exines13 exists13 exited14 exodes14 exodic16 exodoi14 exodos14 exodus14 exogen14 exomis15 exonic15 exonym18 exopod16 exotic15 expand16 expats15 expect17 expels15 expend16 expert15 expire15 expiry18 export15 expose15 expugn16 exsect15 exsert13 extant13 extasy16 extend14 extent13 extern13 extine13 extirp15 extold14 extoll13 extols13 extort13 extras13 exuded15 exudes14 exults13 exurbs15 exuvia16 flexed17 flexes16 flexor16 flexos16 forfex19 frutex16 grexes14 hexact18 hexade17 hexads17 hexane16 hexene16 hexers16 hexing17 hexone16 hexose16 hexyls19 ibexes15 ilexes13 imbrex17 implex17 isolex13 lexeme15 lexica15 nextly16 orexin13 orexis13 orifex16 plexal15 plexed16 plexes15 plexor15 plexus15 pollex15 prexes15 prexie15 reflex16 rexine13 rhexes16 rhexis16 scolex15 sexers13 sexfid17 sexier13 sexily16 sexing14 sexism15 sexist13 sexpot15 sextan13 sexted14 sextet13 sexton13 sextos13 sexual13 silvex16 suplex15 texted14 texter13 ulexes13 unisex13 unsexy16 unvext16 urtext13 vertex16 vexers16 vexils16 vexing17 vortex16 wexing17 yexing17 exomes15 flexis16 adnexal15 alexias14 alexine14 alexins14 annexed15 annexes14 anorexy17 antisex14 apoplex18

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