Elation is valid Scrabble Word

Is elation a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is elation valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for ELATION in dictionary:

Words related to ELATION


Words that contain ELATION

delation9 elations8 gelation9 relation8 chelation14 delations10 gelations10 prelation11 relations9 anhelation13 chelations15 corelation12 irrelation10 pixelation19 prelations12 regelation11 relational10 revelation13 anhelations14 cancelation15 congelation14 corelations13 correlation13 crenelation13 disrelation12 irrelations11 misrelation13 pixelations20 regelations12 relationism13 relationist11 revelations14 cancelations16 congelations15 correlations14 crenelations14 disrelations13 misrelations14 relationally15 relationisms14 relationists12 relationless12 relationship17 revelational15 sphacelation19 correlational15 interrelation13 relationships18 revelationist16 sphacelations20 interrelations14 miscorrelation18 noncorrelation16 revelationists17 autocorrelation17 miscorrelations19 noncorrelations17 interrelationsh18 intercorrelation18 autocorrelations18 interrelationship22 intercorrelations19 interrelationships23

How to use ELATION in a sentence

Similar words containing ELA without suffix tion

elan4 mela6 pela6 tela4 vela7 akela9 belah10 belar7 belay10 chela10 delay9 elain5 eland6 elans5 elate5 jelab14 kwela12 melas7 pelas7 pelau7 relax12 relay8 selah8 stela5 telae5 velar8 akelas10 belace10 belady12 belahs11 belamy13 belars8 belate8 belaud9 belays11 byelaw14 chelae11 chelas11 delate7 delays10 dumela9 elains6 elance8 elands7 elanet6 elapid9 elapse8 elated7 elater6 elates6 favela12 gelada8 gelant7 gelate7 gelati7 gelato7 jelabs15 kamela12 kwelas13 mabela10 melano8 pasela8 pelage9 pelaus8 prelaw11 relace8 relaid7 reland7 relata6 relate6 relays9 selahs9 stelae6 stelai6 stelar6 telary9 velars9 velate9 zelant15 agelast8 anelace9 bansela9 belabor11 belaced12 belaces11 belated10 belates9 belauds10 belayed13 belayer12 bonsela9 byelaws15 candela10 capelan11 caselaw12 celadon10 chelate12 cypsela14 danelaw11 delaine8 delapse10 delated9 delates8 delator8 delayed12 delayer11 elanced10 elances9 elanets7 elapids10 elapine9 elapsed10 elapses9 elastic9 elastin7 elaters7 elating8 elative10 eyelash13 favelas13 felafel13 forelay13 gamelan10 gelable10 geladas9 gelande9 gelants8 gelated9 gelates8 gelatin8 gelatis8 gelatos8 hieland11 kamelas13 kantela11 keelage12 mabelas11 melaena9 melamed12 melange10 melanic11 melanin9 melanos9 owrelay13 paselas9 pelages10 pelagic12 prelacy14 prelate9 prelaty12 quinela16 relabel9 relaced10 relaces9 relache12 relands8 relapse9 related8 relater7 relates7 relator7 relatum9 relaxed15 relaxer14 relaxes14 relaxin14 relayed11 rokelay14 sequela16 telamon9 tutelar7 velamen12 velaria10 velaric12 velated11 vihuela13 virelai10 virelay13 weigela11 welaway16 zelants16 zelator16 agelasts9 anelaces10 babbelas14 banselas10 bareland11 baselard11 belabors12 belabour12 belacing13 beladied12 beladies11 belamies12 belamour12 belating11 belauded12 belayers13 belaying14 bonselas10 candelas11 capelans12 caselaws13 celadons11 cervelas13 cervelat13 chelated14 chelates13 chelator13 corelate10 cypselae15 danelagh13 danelaws12 delaines9 delapsed12 delapses11 delating10 delation9 delators9 delayers12 delaying13 duneland10 elancing11 elaphine13 elapsing11 elastane8 elastase8 elastics10 elastins8 elatedly12 elaterid9 elaterin8 elations8 elatives11 felafels14 forelady15 forelaid12 forelain11 foreland12 forelays14 fuselage12 gamelans11 gelastic11 gelatine9 gelating10 gelatins9 gelation9 gondelay13 hielaman13 homeland14 kantelas12 keelages13 lakeland13 libelant10 melaenas10 melamdim15 melamine12 melanges11 melanian10 melanics12 melanins10 melanise10 melanism12 melanist10 melanite10 melanize19 melanoid11 melanoma12 melanous10 owrelays14 panatela10 panetela10 peelable12 pelagial11 pelagian11 pelagics13 pineland11 pixelate17 prelates10 prelatic12 pucelage13 quinelas17 quiniela17 reelable10 regelate9 relabels10 relaches13 relacing11 relanded10 relapsed11 relapser10 relapses10 relaters8 relating9 relation8 relative11 relators8 relaunch13 relaxant15 relaxers15
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