Dow is valid Scrabble Word

Is dow a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is dow valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for DOW in dictionary:

Words related to DOW

docht11 dought11 dowed10 dowing11 dows8

Words that contain DOW

dowd9 dowf11 dowl8 down8 dowp10 dows8 dowt8 adown9 dowar9 dowds10 dowdy13 dowed10 dowel9 dower9 dowie9 dowle9 dowls9 dowly12 downa9 downs9 downy12 dowps11 dowry12 dowse9 dowts9 endow9 indow9 widow12 dowars10 dowels10 dowers10 dowery13 dowier10 dowing11 dowlas10 dowles10 dowlne10 downed11 downer10 dowsed11 dowser10 dowses10 dowset10 endows10 godown11 indows10 meadow12 redowa10 shadow13 widows13 window13 cutdown13 dowable13 dowager12 dowdier12 dowdies12 dowdily15 doweled12 dowered12 dowiest11 dowlier11 dowlnes11 dowlney14 downbow16 downcry16 downers11 downier11 downies11 downily14 downing12 downlow14 dowries11 dowsers11 dowsets11 dowsing12 endowed12 endower11 godowns12 hagdown15 hoedown14 indowed12 letdown11 lowdown14 meadows13 meadowy16 mixdown20 paydown16 pindown13 putdown13 redowas11 reendow11 rubdown13 rundown11 shadows14 shadowy17 sundown11 widowed15 widower14 windows14 windowy17 backdown20 Show more ...

How to use DOW in a sentence

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