Deviation is valid Scrabble Word

Is deviation a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is deviation valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for DEVIATION in dictionary:

Words related to DEVIATION


Words that contain DEVIATION

deviations14 deviationism18 deviationist16 deviationisms19 deviationists17

How to use DEVIATION in a sentence

Similar words containing VIA without suffix tion and without prefix de

via6 viae7 vial7 vias7 avian8 bivia10 vials8 viand9 avians9 aviary12 aviate9 caviar11 clivia11 eluvia9 exuvia16 gavial10 jovial16 salvia9 stevia9 sylvia12 trivia9 viable11 viably14 vialed10 viands10 viatic11 viator9 alluvia10 aviated11 aviates10 aviatic12 aviator10 batavia12 bolivia12 caviare12 caviars12 clivias12 deviant11 deviate11 diluvia11 eluvial10 exuviae17 exuvial17 fluvial13 gavials11 illuvia10 lixivia17 obviate12 pluvial12 pluvian12 salvias10 stevias10 sylvias13 synovia13 trivial10 viaduct13 vialful13 vialing11 vialled11 viatica12 viators10 alluvial11 avianise11 avianize20 aviaries11 aviarist11 aviating12 aviation11 aviators11 aviatrix18 batavias13 bloviate13 bolivias13 breviary16 breviate13 caviares13 caviarie13 colluvia13 deviance14 deviancy17 deviants12 deviated13 deviates12 deviator12 diluvial12 diluvian12 effluvia17 eluviate11 enviable13 enviably16 exuviate18 illuvial11 impluvia15 induviae12 induvial12 inviable13 inviably16 jovially21 jovialty21 leviable13 lixivial18 obviable15 obviated14 obviates13 obviator13 perviate13 pluvials13 pluvians13 proviant13 synovial14 synovias14 unviable13 vesuvian14 viaducts14 vialfuls14 vialling12 viameter13 viatical13 viaticum15 viatores11 nonavian11 alleviant12 alleviate12 alluvials12 avianised13 avianises12 avianized22 avianizes21 aviarists12 aviations12 aviatress12 aviatrice14 bloviated15 bloviates14 boliviano14 breviates14 caviaries14 colluvial14 compluvia18 convivial17 deviances15 deviating14 deviative16 deviators13 deviatory16 effluvial18 eluviated13 eluviates12 exuviated20 exuviates19 fluviatic17 gavialoid14 illuviate12 induviate13 ingluvial13 joviality22 khedivial20 leviathan15 lixiviate19 nonviable14 obviating15 obviation14 obviators14 perviated15 perviates14 previable16 proviants14 quadrivia22 trivially15 vesuvians15 viability17 viameters14 viaticals14 viaticums16 viatorial12 vivianite15 abbreviate17 alleviants13 alleviated14 alleviates13 alleviator13 avianising14 avianizing23 aviatrices15 aviatrixes20 bloviating16 bloviation15 bolivianos15 breviaries15 deviancies16 deviations14 eluviating14 eluviation13 exuviating21 exuviation20 fluvialist16 fluviatile16 illuviated14 illuviates13 isopluvial15 jovialness20 jovialties20 khediviate21 leviathans16 lixiviated21 lixiviates20 margravial16 nondeviant14 nontrivial13 obviations15 perviating16 quadrivial23 subclavian17 synovially19 trivialise13 trivialism15 trivialist13 triviality16 trivialize22 unenviable15 unenviably18 vivianites16 abbreviated19 abbreviates18 abbreviator18 alleviating15 alleviation14 alleviative17 alleviators14 alleviatory17 aviatresses14 bloviations16 convivially22 diluvialism17 diluvialist15 eluviations14 exuviations21 fluvialists17 illuviating15 illuviation14 imperviable20 inviability19 isopluvials16 jovialities21 khediviates22 lixiviating22 lixiviation21 margraviate17 overdeviate18 repleviable18 subclavians18 trivialised15 trivialises14 trivialisms16 trivialists14 trivialized24 trivializes23 trivialness14 undeviating16 vesuvianite17 viabilities16 nondeviants15 abbreviating20 abbreviation19 abbreviators19 abbreviatory22 abbreviature19 alleviations15 antediluvial16 antediluvian16 cheluviation20 convivialist20 conviviality23 deviationism18 deviationist16 diluvialisms18 diluvialists16 enviableness17 illuviations15 interfluvial18 interpluvial17 inviableness17 jovialnesses22 landgraviate17 lixiviations22 margraviates18 overdeviated20 overdeviates19 postdiluvial18 postdiluvian18 trivialising16 trivialities15 trivializing25 unalleviated16 vesuvianites18 abbreviations20 abbreviatures20 antediluvians17 cheluviations21 convivialists21
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