Descended is valid Scrabble Word

Is descended a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is descended valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for DESCENDED in dictionary:

Words related to DESCENDED

descend11 descending15 descends12

Words that contain DESCENDED

redescended16 undescended16 condescended19

How to use DESCENDED in a sentence

Similar words containing SCEND without suffix ed and without prefix de

scend8 ascend9 scends9 ascends10 descend11 scended11 ascended12 ascender11 descends12 reascend11 scending12 ascendant12 ascendent12 ascenders12 ascendeur12 ascending13 crescendi14 crescendo14 descender13 reascends12 redescend13 transcend12 ascendable15 ascendance15 ascendancy18 ascendants13 ascendence15 ascendency18 ascendents13 ascendeurs13 ascendible15 condescend16 crescendos15 descendant14 descendent14 descenders14 descendeur14 descending15 reascended14 redescends14 transcends13 unascended14 ascendances16 ascendantly17 ascendences16 condescends17 crescendoed17 crescendoes16 decrescendo17 descendable17 descendants15 descendents15 descendeurs15 descendible17 descendings16 parascender16 reascending15 redescended16 transcended15 undescended16 ascendancies17 ascendencies17 condescended19 crescendoing18 decrescendos18 parascenders17 parascending18 redescending17 transcendent15 transcending16 unascendable17 unascendible17 condescending20 parascendings19 transcendence18 transcendency21 transcendents16 undescendable19 undescendible19 condescendence22 transcendences19 transcendental17 transcendently20 transcendingly21 condescendences23 condescendingly25 transcendencies20 transcendentals18 transcendentali18 transcendentall18 transcendentally22 transcendentalist20 transcendentalism22 transcendentalisms23 transcendentalists21
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