Derris is valid Scrabble Word

Is derris a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is derris valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for DERRIS in dictionary:

Words related to DERRIS


Words that contain DERRIS


Similar words containing RRI without suffix s and without prefix de

arris5 cirri7 karri9 kirri9 marri7 murri7 orris5 wirri8 arriba8 arride7 arrish9 arrive9 barrie8 barrio8 cerris8 corrie8 currie8 durrie7 erring7 ferric11 forrit9 gharri10 horrid10 jerrid14 karris10 kerria10 kirris10 marris8 merrie8 morris8 murrin8 murris8 orrice8 sbirri8 territ6 tirrit6 torrid7 werris9 worrit9 arriage8 arrided9 arrides8 arriere7 arriero7 arrises7 arrival10 arrived11 arriver10 arrives10 barrico11 barrier9 barries9 barring10 barrios9 berried10 berries9 birring10 burrier9 burring10 burrito9 carrick15 carried10 carrier9 carries9 carrion9 cerrial9 chorrie12 corrida10 corries9 curried10 currier9 curries9 curring10 currish12 darring9 derrick14 derries8 dhurrie11 dorring9 durries8 earring8 errings8 farrier10 farring11 ferried11 ferries10 ferrite10 firrier10 firring11 furrier10 furries10 furrily13 furring11 garring9 gharris11 gurrier8 gurries8 harried11 harrier10 harries10 herried11 herries10 herring11 horrify16 hurried11 hurrier10 hurries10 jarring15 jerrids15 jerries14 kerrias11 kerries11 lorries7 lurries7 married10 marrier9 marries9 marring10 merrier9 merries9 merrily12 morrice11 morrion9 murries9 murrine9 murrins9 murrion9 orrices9 orrises7 parried10 parrier9 parries9 parring10 perrier9 perries9 porrigo10 purring10 scurril9 serried8 serries7 serring8 sherris10 sirring8 sorrier7 sorrily10 tarried8 tarrier7 tarries7 tarring8 terrier7 terries7 terrify13 terrine7 territs7 tirring8 tirrits7 torrify13 verrine10 vorring11 warring11 warrior10 wherrit13 worried11 worrier10 worries10 worrits10 yarring11 yirring11 arriages9 arriding10 arrieros8 arrishes11 arrivals11 arrivers11 arriving12 averring12 barricos12 barriers10 barriest10 barrings11 barrique19 berrigan11 blurrier10 blurrily13 blurring11 bourride11 burriest10 burritos10 carriage11 carriers10 carriole10 carrions10 carritch15 cerrises10 charrier13 charring14 cherried14 cherrier13 cherries13 chirring14 chorries13 churring14 cirriped13 corridas11 corridor11 corrival13 curricle12 curriers10 curriery13 derricks15 derriere9 derrises9 dhurries12 earrings9 erringly12 farriers11 farriery14 ferriage12 ferrites11 ferritic13 ferritin11 firriest11 firrings12 flurried12 flurries11 flurring12 furriers11 furriery14 furriest11 furriner11 furrings12 garrigue10 garrison9 gharries12 gnarring10 gurriers9 harridan12 harriers11 herrings12 hirrient11 horrible13 horribly16 horrider12 horridly15 horrific16 hurriers11 irrigate9 irrision8 irrisory11 irritant8 irritate8 jarrings16 jerrican17 knarrier12 knarring13 larrigan9 larrikin12 marriage11 marrieds11 marriers10 merriest10 morrices12 morrions10 morrised11 morrises10 murrines10 murrions10 overrich16 override12 overrife14 overripe13 parridge12 parriers10 parritch15 perriers10 porridge12 porridgy15 porrigos11 purrings11 quarrian17 quarried18 quarrier17 quarries17 quarrion17 scarrier10 scarring11 scurried11 scurrier10 scurries10 scurrile10 scurring11 sherried12 sherries11 shirring12 skerrick18 skerries12 skerring13 skirring13 skurried13 skurries12
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