Cour is valid Scrabble Word

Is cour a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is cour valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for COUR in dictionary:

Words related to COUR

courd8 coured9 couring10 cours7 cover10

Words that contain COUR

courb9 courd8 coure7 cours7 court7 scour7 courbs10 coured9 coures8 courie8 course8 courts8 scours8 accourt11 bescour11 courage10 courant9 courbed12 couried10 courier9 couries9 couring10 courlan9 coursed10 courser9 courses9 courted10 courter9 courtly12 rancour9 recoure9 scoured10 scourer9 scourge10 scourie9 scourse9 succour11 upcourt11 accourts12 bescours12 concours12 courages11 courante10 couranto10 courants10 courbing13 couriers10 courlans10 coursers10 coursing11 courters10 courtesy13 courtier10 courting11 courtlet10 discoure11 lawcourt13 rancours10 recoured11 recoures10 recourse10 scourers10 scourged12 scourger11 scourges11 scouries10 scouring11 scoursed11 scourses10 succours12 accourage14 accourted14 backcourt19 bescoured14 concourse13 courantes11 courantos11 courbaril13 courbette13 courgette12 courieing12 couriered12 coursings12 courteous11 courtesan11 courtezan20 courtiers11 courtings12 courtlets11 courtlier11 courtlike15 courtling12 courtroom13 courtship16 courtside12 courtyard15 discoured13 discoures12 discourse12 downcourt15 encourage12 Show more ...

How to use COUR in a sentence

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