Coldly is valid Scrabble Word

Is coldly a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is coldly valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for COLDLY in dictionary:

Words related to COLDLY


How to use COLDLY in a sentence

Similar words containing LD without suffix ly and without prefix co

eld4 old4 auld5 bald7 bold7 cold7 eild5 elds5 fold8 geld6 gild6 gold6 held8 hild8 hold8 kild9 meld7 mild7 mold7 olde5 olds5 oldy8 ould5 seld5 sild5 sold5 teld5 told5 veld8 vild8 wald8 weld8 wild8 wold8 yald8 yeld8 yold8 acold8 afald9 ahold9 aldea6 alder6 aldol6 balds8 baldy11 bield8 bolds8 build8 cauld8 child11 colds8 could8 dildo7 eilds6 elder6 eldin6 fauld9 field9 fjeld16 folds9 gelds7 gilds7 golds7 goldy10 goold7 guild7 gyeld10 hauld9 heald9 holds9 laldy9 melds8 milds8 molds8 moldy11 mould8 neeld6 nould6 olden6 older6 oldie6 scald8 scold8 seeld6 sield6 silds6 skald10 solde6 soldi6 soldo6 solds6 spald8 speld8 tauld6 tilde6 trild6 velds9 veldt9 vilde9 viold9 waldo9 walds9 weald9 welds9 wield9 wilds9 woald9 wolds9 woold9 world9 would9 yauld9 yield9 boldo8 aefald10 afawld13 afield10 aholds10 aldeas7 aldern7 alders7 aldols7 aldose7 aldrin7 aulder7 balded10 balder9 baldie9 baldly12 befeld12 begild10 beheld12 behold12 beldam11 bields9 bieldy12 bifold12 bolded10 bolden9 bolder9 boldly12 builds9 caulds9 chield12 childe12 childs12 chylde15 colder9 coldie9 dildoe8 dildos8 elders7 eldest7 elding8 eldins7 enfold10 engild8 extold14 faulds10 fields10 fjelds17 folded11 folder10 foldup12 gelded9 gelder8 gilded9 gilden8 gilder8 golden8 golder8 goolds8 guilds8 gulden8 gyelds11 gylden11 hareld10 haulds10 healds10 herald10 holden10 holder10 holdup12 infold10 jymold19 kobold13 laldie7 melded10 melder9 milded10 milden9 milder9 mildew12 mildly12 molded10 molder9 moulds9 mouldy12 neelds7 noulde7 oldens7 oldest7 oldies7 oldish10 oulder7 polder9 refold10 regild8 remold9 resold7 retold7 reweld10 rewild10 ribald9 scalds9 scolds9 seldom9 shield10 should10 skalds11 soldan7 solder7 soldes7 spalds9 spauld9 spelds9 steeld7 suldan7 tildes7 unfold10 ungild8 unmold9 unsold7 untold7 upfold12 upheld12 uphild12 uphold12 upsold9 veldts10 vildly13 waldos10 wealds10 welded11 welder10 weldor10 wields10 wieldy13 wilded11 wilder10 wildly13 woalds10 woolds10 worlds10 woulds10 yields10 worlde10 accoyld15 aefauld11 alcalde10 aldoses8 aldrins8 amildar10 auldest8 baldest10 baldier10 baldies10 balding11 baldish13 baldric12 begilds11 beholds13 beldame12 beldams12 bielded11 bifolds13 boldens10 boldest10 bolding11 boulder10 bowlder13 builded11 builder10 buildup12 bulldog11 cabildo12 caldera10 caldron10 caulder10 chalder13 chields13 childed14 childer13 childes13 childly16 coldest10 coldies10 coldish13 couldst10 cuckold16
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