Bald is valid Scrabble Word

Is bald a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is bald valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for BALD in dictionary:

Words related to BALD

balded10 balder9 baldest10 baldfaced18 baldheaded18 balding11 baldish13 baldly12 baldness11 baldnesses13 balds8 baldy11

Words that contain BALD

balds8 baldy11 balded10 balder9 baldie9 baldly12 ribald9 baldest10 baldier10 baldies10 balding11 baldish13 baldric12 piebald12 pyebald15 ribalds10 baldhead15 baldiest11 baldness11 baldpate13 baldrick17 baldrics13 piebalds13 pyebalds16 ribalder11 ribaldly14 ribaldry14 semibald13 skewbald18 baldachin17 baldaquin21 baldfaced18 baldheads16 baldicoot14 baldmoney17 baldpated15 baldpates14 baldricks18 garibaldi13 ribaldest12 skewbalds19 baldachino18 baldachins18 baldaquins22 balderdash17 baldheaded18 baldicoots15 baldmoneys18 baldnesses13 garibaldis14 ribaldries13 baldachinos19 balderlocks20 balderdashes19 balderlockses22

How to use BALD in a sentence

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