Aper is valid Scrabble Word

Is aper a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is aper valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for APER in dictionary:

Words related to APER


Words that contain APER

apers7 apert7 apery10 caper9 gaper8 japer14 paper9 raper7 taper7 vaper10 apercu10 capers10 diaper9 draper9 gapers9 heaper11 japers15 japery18 leaper8 napery11 papers10 papery13 rapers8 reaper8 shaper11 soaper8 tapers8 vapers11 apercus11 aperies9 capered12 caperer11 cheaper14 diapers10 drapers10 drapery13 escaper11 grapery13 hanaper12 heapers12 leapers9 papered12 paperer11 reapers9 repaper11 scraper11 shapers12 soapers9 tapered10 taperer9 unpaper11 aperient10 aperitif13 aperture10 bediaper13 caperers12 capering13 catnaper12 chaperon15 diapered12 dognaper12 endpaper13 escapers12 flaperon13 flypaper18 gunpaper13 hanapers13 japeries17 kidnaper15 malapert12 naperies10 oilpaper12 outcaper12 paperboy17 paperers12 paperier12 papering13 petnaper12 repapers12 reshaper13 scrapers12 taperers10 tapering11 tarpaper12 threaper13 unpapers12 aperients11 aperiodic14 aperitifs14 aperitive14 apertness11 apertural11 apertured12 apertures11 bediapers14 catnapers13 chaperone16 chaperons16 curlpaper15 diapering13 dognapers13 Show more ...

How to use APER in a sentence

Similar words containing AP without suffix er

ape5 apo5 app7 apt5 bap7 cap7 dap6 fap8 gap6 hap8 jap12 lap5 map7 nap5 pap7 rap5 sap5 tap5 wap8 yap8 zap14 alap6 apay9 aped7 apes6 apex13 apod7 apos6 apps8 apse6 apso6 apts6 atap6 baps8 bapu8 brap8 capa8 cape8 caph11 capi8 capo8 caps8 chap11 clap8 crap8 daps7 drap7 flap9 frap9 gape7 gapo7 gaps7 gapy10 haps9 hapu9 heap9 jaap13 jape13 japs13 kapa10 kaph13 kapu10 klap10 knap10 koap10 laps6 leap6 maps8 napa6 nape6 naps6 neap6 papa8 pape8 paps8 plap8 rape6 raps6 rapt6 reap6 saps6 slap6 snap6 soap6 stap6 swap9 tapa6 tape6 taps6 tapu6 trap6 vape9 waps9 whap12 wrap9 yapp11 yaps9 zaps15 aapa6 adapt8 Show more ...
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