Aller is valid Words with Friends

Is aller a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words NO
Is aller valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for ALLER in dictionary:

Words that contain ALLER

baller8 caller8 faller9 taller6 waller9 allergy11 ballers9 callers9 dialler8 fallers10 gallery11 odaller8 smaller9 spaller9 udaller8 wallers10 allergen9 allergic11 allergin9 allerion8 caballer12 canaller10 dataller9 diallers9 galleria9 loyaller11 moraller10 odallers9 pedaller11 recaller10 royaller11 spallers10 squaller17 udallers9 allergens10 allergics12 allergies10 allergins10 allergist10 allerions9 ballerina11 ballerine11 caballero13 caballers13 canallers11 catcaller13 datallers10 dismaller12 gallerias10 galleried11 galleries10 gallerist10 installer9 miscaller13 morallers11 netballer11 pedallers12 potwaller14 recallers11 rentaller9 signaller10 squallers18 drywaller16 allergenic13 allergists11 ballerinas12 baseballer14 caballeros14 catcallers14 enthraller13 fastballer15 fireballer15 footballer15 gallerists11 gallerying15 galleryite14 handballer16 initialler10 installers10 marshaller15 miscallers14 netballers12 potwallers15 rentallers10 signallers11 softballer15 victualler15 drywallers17 spitballer14 baseballers15 broomballer17 enthrallers14 fastballers16 fireballers16 footballers16 forestaller14 gallerygoer16 galleryites15 handballers17 hospitaller16 initiallers11 Show more ...

Similar words containing ALL without suffix er

all3 alls4 ally7 ball6 call6 fall7 gall5 hall7 lall4 mall6 pall6 sall4 tall4 wall7 allay8 allee5 allel5 alley8 allis5 allod6 allot5 allow8 alloy8 allyl8 balls7 bally10 calla7 calls7 dalle6 dally9 falls8 galls6 gally9 hallo8 halls8 lalls5 malls7 myall10 nalla5 palla7 palls7 pally10 rally8 salle5 sally8 scall7 shall8 small7 spall7 stall5 talls5 tally8 walla8 walls8 wally11 allays9 allees6 allege7 allele6 allels6 alleys9 alliak10 allice8 allied7 allies6 allium8 allods7 allons6 allots6 allows9 alloys9 allude7 allure6 allyls9 allyou9 anally9 appall10 ballad9 ballan8 ballat8 balled9 baller8 ballet8 ballon8 ballot8 ballow11 ballsy11 ballup10 becall10 befall11 begall9 callan8 callas8 called9 callee8 caller8 callet8 callid9 callop10 callow11 Show more ...
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