Transshapes is valid Scrabble Word

Is transshapes a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is transshapes valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for TRANSSHAPES in dictionary:

Words related to TRANSSHAPES


Similar words containing SHAPE without suffix s and without prefix trans

shape10 shaped12 shapen11 shaper11 shapes11 reshape12 shapely15 shapens12 shapers12 shapeup14 unshape12 misshape15 preshape15 reshaped14 reshaper13 reshapes13 shapened14 shapeups15 unshaped14 unshapen13 unshapes13 misshaped17 misshapen16 misshaper16 misshapes16 preshaped17 preshapes16 reshapers14 shapeable16 shapeless14 shapelier14 shapening15 shapewear17 shipshape19 unshapely17 waveshape20 bodyshaper21 misshapers17 shapeliest15 shapewears18 transshape15 waveshapes21 bodyshapers22 brickshaped25 misshapenly21 shapelessly19 shapeliness16 transshaped17 undershapen17 unshapelier16 unshapeliest17 shapeshifter23 misshapenness20 shapelessness18 shapelinesses18 unshapeliness18 shapeshifting25 shapeshifters24 shapeshiftings26 misshapennesses22 shapelessnesses20 unshapelinesses20
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