Trades is valid Scrabble Word

Is trades a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is trades valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for TRADES in dictionary:

Words related to TRADES

trade6 traded8 trading9

Words that contain TRADES

estrades9 outtrades10 subtrades12 tradesman12 tradesmen12 antitrades11 newstrades14 overtrades14 tradesfolk18 balustrades14 tradesfolks19 tradeswoman17 tradeswomen17 tradescantia15 tradespeople17 tradesperson15 countertrades16 tradescantias16 tradesmanlike20 tradespeoples18 tradespersons16

How to use TRADES in a sentence

Similar words containing TRADE without suffix s

trade6 traded8 trader7 estrade8 traders8 estrades9 outtrade9 protrade11 subtrade11 tradeful12 tradeoff15 untraded10 antitrade10 newstrade13 outtraded11 outtrades10 overtrade13 subtrades12 tradeable12 tradeless10 trademark16 tradename12 tradeoffs16 tradesman12 tradesmen12 antitrades11 autostrade11 balustrade13 newstrades14 overtraded15 overtrades14 tradecraft16 trademarks17 tradenames13 tradership16 tradesfolk18 ultradense11 balustraded15 balustrades14 intradermal14 intradermic16 tradecrafts17 trademarked19 traderships17 tradesfolks19 tradeswoman17 tradeswomen17 untradeable14 countertrade15 trademarking20 tradescantia15 tradespeople17 tradesperson15 countertraded17 countertrades16 intradermally19 tradescantias16 tradesmanlike20 tradespeoples18 tradespersons16 intradermically23 ultrademocratic22
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