Statical is valid Scrabble Word

Is statical a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is statical valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for STATICAL in dictionary:

Words related to STATICAL

static8 statically15

Words that contain STATICAL

statically15 apostatical15 astatically16 aerostatical14 ecstatically19 eustatically17 hypostatical22 biostatically20 hydrostatical22 isostatically18 cytostatically24 gyrostatically23 hypostatically27 metastatically21 fungistatically24 hydrostatically27 thermostaticall22 electrostatical19 thermostatically26 electrostatically24

How to use STATICAL in a sentence

Similar words containing STATIC without suffix al

static8 astatic9 statice9 statics9 ecstatic12 eustatic10 statices10 staticky17 anastatic11 apostatic13 biostatic13 diastatic12 ecstatics13 epistatic13 geostatic12 isostatic11 nonstatic11 prostatic13 aerostatic12 antistatic12 astaticism14 biostatics14 cryostatic17 cytostatic17 geostatics13 gyrostatic16 hemostatic17 hypostatic20 metastatic14 pyrostatic17 rheostatic15 statically15 statickier16 aerostatics13 antistatics13 apostatical15 astatically16 astaticisms15 cholestatic18 cytostatics18 fungistatic17 gyrostatics17 haemostatic18 heliostatic16 hemostatics18 homeostatic18 hydrostatic20 hyperstatic21 lithostatic16 orthostatic16 photostatic18 statickiest17 aerostatical14 ecstatically19 enhypostatic22 eustatically17 haemostatics19 homoeostatic19 hydrostatics21 hypostatical22 siderostatic15 thermostatic19 biostatically20 electrostatic17 hydrostatical22 isostatically18 magnetostatic18 thermostatics20 bacteriostatic20 cytostatically24 electrostatics18 gyrostatically23 hypostatically27 magnetostatics19 metastatically21 antimetastatic18 fungistatically24 hydrostatically27 thermostaticall22 electrostatical19 thermostatically26 electrostatically24
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