Sinter is valid Scrabble Word

Is sinter a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is sinter valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for SINTER in dictionary:

Words related to SINTER

sintered9 sintering10 sinters7 sintery10

Words that contain SINTER

sinters7 sintery10 disinter9 misinter10 sintered9 disinters10 misinters11 sintering10 sinterier9 calcsinter14 sinteriest10 calcsinters15 disinterest12 disinterred13 misinterred14 disinterests13 disinterment15 disinterring14 misinterpret16 misinterring15 disinterested15 disinterments16 misinterprets17 sinterability18 disinteresting16 misinterpreted19 misinterpreter18 disinterestedly20 misinterpreters19 misinterpreting20 sinterabilities17 disintermediate19 misinterpretati19 disinterestedne17 disintermediati19 disintermediation21 disinterestedness19 misinterpretation21 misinterpretations22 disintermediations22 disinterestednesses21

How to use SINTER in a sentence

Similar words containing SINT without suffix er

absinth12 sinters7 sintery10 absinthe13 absinths13 disinter9 misinter10 sintered9 teosinte8 absinthes14 disinters10 misintend12 misinters11 sintering10 teosintes9 sinterier9 absinthism17 calcsinter14 disinthral14 misintends13 palacsinta14 sinteriest10 absinthisms18 calcsinters15 disinterest12 disinterred13 disinthrals15 misintended15 misinterred14 palacsintas15 absinthiated18 disintegrate14 disinterests13 disinterment15 disinterring14 disintricate15 misintending16 misinterpret16 misinterring15 disintegrable17 disintegrated16 disintegrates15 disintegrator15 disinterested15 disinterments16 disinthralled18 disintoxicate23 disintricated17 disintricates16 misinterprets17 sinterability18 disintegrating17 disintegration16 disintegrative19 disintegrators16 disinteresting16 disinthralling19 disintoxicated25 disintoxicates24 disintricating18 misinterpreted19 misinterpreter18 disintegrations17 disinterestedly20 disinthrallings20 disintoxicating26 disintoxication25 misintelligence20 misinterpreters19 misinterpreting20 sinterabilities17 disintermediate19 misinterpretati19 disinterestedne17 photodisintegra22 disintermediati19 disintoxications26 disintermediation21 disinterestedness19 misinterpretation21 photodisintegrate24 misinterpretations22 disintermediations22 photodisintegrates25 photodisintegrated26 disinterestednesses21 photodisintegration26 photodisintegrating27 photodisintegrations27
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