Revolted is valid Scrabble Word

Is revolted a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is revolted valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for REVOLTED in dictionary:

Words related to REVOLTED

revolt9 revolting13 revolts10

How to use REVOLTED in a sentence

Similar words containing VOLT without suffix ed and without prefix re

volt7 volta8 volte8 volti8 volts8 abvolt11 lavolt9 revolt9 volted10 voltes9 voltis9 abvolts12 lavolta10 lavolts10 revolts10 voltage11 voltaic12 volting11 demivolt14 kilovolt15 lavoltas11 lavolted12 megavolt14 revolter11 voltages12 voltaism13 gigavolt13 archivolt17 demivolte15 demivolts15 kilovolts16 lavoltaed13 lavolting13 megavolts15 microvolt16 millivolt14 revolters12 revolting13 voltaisms14 voltigeur13 voltinism14 voltmeter14 gigavolts14 archivolts18 demivoltes16 lavoltaing14 microvolts17 millivolts15 univoltine13 voltameter15 voltigeurs14 voltinisms15 voltmeters15 overvoltage18 revoltingly18 voltameters16 voltametric18 voltammeter18 electronvolt17 multivoltine17 overvoltages19 photovoltaic22 voltammeters19 electronvolts18 photovoltaics23
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