Rase is valid Scrabble Word

Is rase a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is rase valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for RASE in dictionary:

Words related to RASE

rased6 raser5 rasers6 rases5 rasing7 raze13

Words that contain RASE

erase5 prase7 rased6 raser5 rases5 urase5 brases8 crases8 erased7 eraser6 erases6 gyrase10 phrase11 prases8 rasers6 urases6 apyrase12 arrased8 arrases7 brasero9 erasers7 gyrases11 hydrase14 narases7 phrased13 phraser12 phrases12 sucrase9 apyrases13 arrasene8 braseros10 charases13 ecraseur10 esterase8 fumarase13 hydrases15 idocrase11 madrases11 narrases8 phrasers13 rephrase13 sucrases10 tarrases8 terrases8 unerased9 anhydrase16 apsarases11 arrasenes9 ecphrases16 ecraseurs11 ekphrases18 epimerase13 erasement11 esterases9 fumarases14 idocrases12 isomerase11 misphrase16 phraseman16 phrasemen16 rephrased15 rephrases14 alcatrases12 anhydrases17 copperases16 corporases14 diaphorase16 epimerases14 erasements12 holophrase18 isomerases12 luciferase15 metaphrase17 misphrased18 misphrases17 paraphrase17 paraselene12 parasexual19 periphrase17 phraseless15 polymerase17 saccharase17 telomerase12 tetrasemic14 antiphrases16 catchphrase23 chrysoprase21 diaphorases17 dinocerases14 hippocrases20 holophrases19 intrasexual18 luciferases16 metaphrased19 metaphrases18 paraphrased19 paraphraser18 paraphrases18 paraselenae13 paraselenic15 Show more ...

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