Rale is valid Scrabble Word

Is rale a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is rale valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for RALE in dictionary:

Words related to RALE


Words that contain RALE

rales5 morale8 braless9 chorale12 morales9 muraled10 petrale9 chorales13 generale9 petrales10 psoralea10 psoralen10 shiralee11 spiraled11 australes9 centraler11 corporale13 lateraled10 overalert12 paralegal12 paralexia18 paralexic20 pastorale11 psoraleas11 psoralens11 shiralees12 shirralee12 ultraleft12 centralest12 corporales14 extralegal18 falderaled15 federalese14 hyperalert18 paralegals13 paralexias19 pastorales12 shirralees13 ultralefts13 federaleses15 paraleipses15 paraleipsis15 extralegally23 outgeneraled14 ultraleftism17 ultraleftist15 paraleipomena19 ultraleftisms18 ultraleftists16 overalertness16 paraleipomenon20 hyperalertness22 overalertnesses18

How to use RALE in a sentence

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