Peri is valid Scrabble Word

Is peri a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is peri valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for PERI in dictionary:

Words related to PERI


Words that contain PERI

peril7 peris7 perils8 period9 perish11 periti8 aperies9 apperil11 imperia11 imperil11 periapt11 pericon11 peridia10 peridot10 perigee10 perigon10 periled10 perilla9 perinea9 periods10 periost9 perique18 peritus9 periwig13 piperic13 poperin11 yperite12 aperient10 aperitif13 apperill12 apperils12 asperity13 capering13 copering13 creperie12 duperies11 emperies12 emperise12 emperish15 emperize21 hesperid14 imperial12 imperils12 imperium14 japeries17 moperies12 naperies10 paperier12 papering13 peperino12 periagua11 perianth13 periapts12 periblem14 periboli12 pericarp14 pericope14 periderm13 peridial11 peridium13 peridote11 peridots11 perigeal11 perigean11 perigees11 perigone11 perigons11 perigyny17 periling11 perillas10 perilled11 perilous10 perilune10 perineal10 perineum12 perioded12 periodic13 periodid12 periosts10 periotic12 peripety15 periplus12 peripter12 periques19 perisarc12 perished14 perisher13 perishes13 periwigs14 piperine12 poperies12 poperins12 roperies10 supering11 superior10 tapering11 viperine13 viperish16 yperites13 aperients11 Show more ...

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