Palming is valid Scrabble Word

Is palming a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is palming valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for PALMING in dictionary:

Words related to PALMING

palm8 palmed11 palms9

Words that contain PALMING

napalming14 facepalming21

How to use PALMING in a sentence

Similar words containing PALM without suffix ing

palm8 palms9 palmy12 copalm12 napalm10 palmar10 palmed11 palmer10 palmie10 copalms13 napalms11 palmary14 palmate11 palmers11 palmful14 palmier11 palmies11 palmiet11 palmist11 palmtop13 palmyra14 ladypalm16 napalmed13 palmated13 palmball14 palmette12 palmetto12 palmfuls15 palmiers12 palmiest12 palmiets12 palmiped15 palmists12 palmitic14 palmitin12 palmlike16 palmtops14 palmyras15 facepalm17 ladypalms17 napalming14 palmarian13 palmately16 palmation13 palmballs15 palmettes13 palmettos13 palmhouse16 palmipede16 palmipeds16 palmister13 palmistry16 palmitate13 palmitins13 facepalms18 palmprint15 palmaceous16 palmatifid18 palmations14 palmcorder17 palmerworm19 palmettoes14 palmhouses17 palmipedes17 palmisters14 palmitates14 facepalmed20 palmprints16 palmatisect17 palmcorders18 palmerworms20 palmistries15 semipalmate17 totipalmate15 tripalmitin15 facepalming21 fissipalmate19 semipalmated19 tripalmitins16 palmification22 semipalmation19 totipalmation17 palmatipartite20 palmifications23 semipalmations20 totipalmations18
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