Mint is valid Scrabble Word

Is mint a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is mint valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for MINT in dictionary:

Words related to MINT

minted9 minter8 minters9 mintier9 mintiest10 minting10 mints7 minty10

Words that contain MINT

mints7 minty10 humint11 minted9 minter8 remint8 catmint11 humints12 mintage10 minters9 mintier9 minting10 remints9 varmint12 calamint12 catmints12 helminth16 mintages11 mintiest10 reminted11 varmints13 mintlike14 badminton14 calamints13 helminths17 horsemint14 reminting12 spearmint13 badmintons15 helminthic20 horsemints15 peppermint18 spearmints14 helminthics21 helminthoid20 helminthous19 peppermints19 pepperminty22 anthelmintic19 trochelminth22 anthelminthic23 anthelmintics20 helminthiases21 helminthiasis21 helminthology25 nemathelminth23 platyhelminth26 trochelminths23 peppermintier21 anthelminthics24 antihelminthic24 helminthologic25 nemathelminths24 platyhelminths27 peppermintiest22 antihelminthics25 helminthologies24 helminthologist24 nemathelminthic27 platyhelminthic30

How to use MINT in a sentence

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