Lobed is valid Scrabble Word

Is lobed a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is lobed valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for LOBED in dictionary:

Words related to LOBED


Words that contain LOBED

globed10 bilobed12 unlobed10 englobed12 inglobed12 trilobed11 unilobed11 conglobed15 multilobed15

How to use LOBED in a sentence

Similar words containing LOB without suffix ed

lob5 blob8 flob9 glob7 lobe6 lobi6 lobo6 lobs6 slob6 blobs9 flobs10 globe8 globi8 globs8 globy11 lobar7 lobby12 lobes7 lobos7 lobus7 slobs7 blobby15 colobi10 global9 globby14 globed10 globes9 globin9 globus9 lobate8 lobbed11 lobber10 lobing9 lobola8 lobolo8 lobose8 lobule8 lobuli8 slobby13 allobar9 bilobar11 bilobed12 blobbed14 clobber13 colobid12 colobus11 earlobe9 englobe10 flobbed15 globate10 globier10 globing11 globins10 globoid11 globose10 globous10 globule10 inglobe10 kilobar13 kilobit13 lobated10 lobbers11 lobbied12 lobbies11 lobbing12 lobbyer14 lobefin12 lobelet9 lobelia9 lobings10 lobiped12 lobolas9 lobolos9 lobster9 lobtail9 lobular9 lobules9 lobulus9 lobworm14 slobbed12 slobber11 trilobe9 unlobed10 allobars10 bilobate12 blobbier14 blobbing15 clobbers14 coloboma14 conglobe13 earlobes10 englobed12 englobes11 flobbing16 globally14 globated12 globbier13 globiest11 globoids12 globular11 Show more ...
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