Glob is valid Scrabble Word

Is glob a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is glob valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for GLOB in dictionary:

Words related to GLOB


Words that contain GLOB

globe8 globi8 globs8 globy11 global9 globby14 globed10 globes9 globin9 globus9 englobe10 globate10 globier10 globing11 globins10 globoid11 globose10 globous10 globule10 inglobe10 conglobe13 englobed12 englobes11 globally14 globated12 globbier13 globiest11 globoids12 globular11 globules11 globulet11 globulin11 inglobed12 inglobes11 globoses11 conglobed15 conglobes14 englobing13 globalise12 globalism14 globalist12 globalize21 globbiest14 globefish18 globelike16 globesity15 globetrot12 globosely15 globosity15 globulars12 globulets12 globulins12 globulite12 globulous12 inglobing13 myoglobin17 semiglobe14 snowglobe15 conglobate15 conglobing16 euglobulin13 globalised14 globalises13 globalisms15 globalists13 globalized23 globalizes22 globetrots13 globularly16 globulites13 hemoglobin18 myoglobins18 semiglobes15 snowglobes16 subglobose15 conglobated17 conglobates16 euglobulins14 globalising15 globalizing24 globefishes20 globeflower20 globesities14 globigerina15 globoseness14 globosities14 globularity17 haemoglobin19 haptoglobin19 hemoglobins19 subglobular16 antiglobulin15 conglobating18 conglobation17 conglobulate17 cryoglobulin20 globeflowers21 globetrotted16 globetrotter15 globigerinae16 globigerinas16 Show more ...

How to use GLOB in a sentence

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