Lenity is valid Scrabble Word

Is lenity a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is lenity valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for LENITY in dictionary:

Words related to LENITY


How to use LENITY in a sentence

Similar words containing LEN without suffix ity

glen5 lend5 leng5 leno4 lens4 lent4 blend8 blent7 glens6 glent6 lends6 lenes5 lengs6 lenis5 lenos5 lense5 lenti5 lento5 olent5 plena7 silen5 blench13 blende9 blends9 blenny11 bollen8 clench13 dolent7 elench11 fallen9 flench14 flense9 galena7 glents7 leglen7 lender7 lenged8 lenger7 length10 lenify12 lenite6 lensed7 lenses6 lenten6 lentic8 lentil6 lentor6 lentos6 lenvoy12 melena8 mullen8 plench13 plenty11 plenum10 pollen8 relend7 relent6 silene6 sileni6 silens6 silent6 sklent10 splent8 stolen6 sullen6 talent6 tellen6 volens9 woolen9 xylene16 yblent11 alencon9 alength11 amylene12 aplenty12 asklent11 blended11 blender10 blendes10 calends10 cholent12 delenda9 dolente8 elenchi12 elenchs12 euglena8 flensed11 flenser10 flenses10 forlend11 forlent10 galenas8 galenic10 glenoid9 glented9 kalends12 leglens8 lenders8 lending9 lengest8 Show more ...
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