Inhalation is valid Scrabble Word

Is inhalation a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is inhalation valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for INHALATION in dictionary:

Words related to INHALATION


Words that contain INHALATION

inhalations14 inhalational15

How to use INHALATION in a sentence

Similar words containing HALA without suffix tion and without prefix in

halal8 jhala15 chalah14 chalan11 halala9 halals9 jhalas16 khalat13 chalahs15 chalans12 chalaza21 halacha15 halakah17 halakha17 halakic16 halalah13 halalas10 halavah16 khalats14 phalanx19 thalami12 trehala10 cephalad16 chalaned14 chalazae22 chalazal22 chalazas22 chalazia22 exhalant18 halachas16 halachic18 halachot16 halakahs18 halakhah21 halakhas18 halakhic20 halakhot18 halakist15 halakoth18 halalahs14 halalled12 halation11 halavahs17 halazone20 inhalant11 phalange14 thalamic15 thalamus13 trehalas11 achalasia14 cephalate16 chalaning15 chalanned15 chalazion23 encephala16 exhalable21 exhalants19 halachist17 halachoth20 halakhahs22 halakhist19 halakhoth22 halakists16 halalling13 halations12 halazones21 inhalable14 inhalants12 inhalator12 melphalan16 phalangal15 phalanger15 phalanges15 phalangid16 phalanxes21 phalarope16 phthalate17 thalassic14 achalasias15 cephalagra18 chalanning16 chalazions24 dharmshala19 exhalation20 halachists18 halakhists20 inhalators13 melphalans17 nonchalant15 phalangeal16 phalangers16 phalangids17 phalangist16 phalaropes17 phthalates18 thalassian13 cephalagras19 cephalalgia19 cephalalgic21 chalazogamy31 Show more ...
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