Feis is valid Scrabble Word

Is feis a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is feis valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for FEIS in dictionary:

Words related to FEIS


Words that contain FEIS

feist8 feists9 feisty12 caffeism18 feistier11 feistily14 caffeisms19 feiseanna12 feistiest12 feistiness13 feistinesses15 counterfeisance22

How to use FEIS in a sentence

Similar words containing FEI without suffix s

feign9 feint8 feist8 effeir12 feigns10 feijoa16 feints9 feirie9 feists9 feisty12 caffein15 effeirs13 feigned12 feigner11 feijoas17 feinted11 feinter10 feirier10 forfeit13 surfeit10 caffeine16 caffeins16 caffeism18 effeired15 feigners12 feigning13 feijoada19 feintest11 feinting12 feiriest11 feistier11 feistily14 forfeits14 misfeign14 surfeits11 caffeines17 caffeinic19 caffeisms19 effeiring16 feignedly17 feignings14 feijoadas20 feiseanna12 feistiest12 forfeited16 forfeiter15 misfeigns15 surfeited13 surfeiter12 unfeigned14 caffeinism20 feigningly18 feistiness13 forfeiters16 forfeiting17 forfeiture16 misfeigned17 surfeiters13 surfeiting14 unfeigning15 caffeinate18 caffeinated20 caffeinisms21 counterfeit16 feignedness16 forfeitable19 forfeitures17 misfeigning18 surfeitings15 unfeignedly19 unforfeited18 caffeinates19 counterfeits17 decaffeinate21 feistinesses15 caffeinating21 counterfeited19 counterfeiter18 counterfeitly21 decaffeinated23 decaffeinates22 feignednesses18 nonforfeiture19 unfeignedness18 counterfeiters19 counterfeiting20 decaffeinating24 nonforfeitable22 nonforfeitures20 decaffeination23 counterfeisance22 counterfeitings21 unfeignednesses20 decaffeinations24 anticounterfeit20 anticounterfeiting24
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