Eyeing is valid Scrabble Word

Is eyeing a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is eyeing valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for EYEING in dictionary:

Words related to EYEING

eye6 eyed8 eyes7 eying9

Words that contain EYEING

overeyeing17 aftereyeing18

How to use EYEING in a sentence

Similar words containing EYE without suffix ing

eye6 eyed8 eyen7 eyer7 eyes7 aleye8 eyers8 feyed12 feyer11 geyer9 heyed12 keyed13 keyer12 oxeye15 seyen8 aleyed10 aleyes9 bigeye12 breyed12 bugeye12 eyebar11 eyecup13 eyeful12 eyelet9 eyelid10 feyest12 fleyed13 geyest10 gleyed11 greyed11 greyer10 keyers13 mudeye12 obeyed12 obeyer11 oneyer9 oxeyes16 preyed12 preyer11 redeye10 ribeye11 seyens9 steyer9 sweyed13 uneyed10 waxeye19 wheyey18 keyest13 alleyed11 bigeyes13 bogeyed14 boneyer12 buckeye18 bugeyes13 cockeye18 cooeyed13 deadeye12 eyeable12 eyeball12 eyebank16 eyebars12 eyebath15 eyebeam14 eyebolt12 eyebrow15 eyecups14 eyefold14 eyefuls13 eyehole13 eyehook17 eyelash13 eyeless10 eyelets10 eyeliad11 eyelids11 eyelift13 eyelike14 eyeshot13 eyesome12 eyesore10 eyespot12 eyewash16 eyewear13 eyewink17 fisheye16 frogeye14 goldeye12 greyest11 holeyer13 honeyed14 hoseyed14 liveyer13 mameyes14 moneyed13 moneyer12 mooneye12 moseyed13 mudeyes13 obeyers12 oneyers10 Show more ...
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