Exudation is valid Scrabble Word

Is exudation a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is exudation valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for EXUDATION in dictionary:

Words related to EXUDATION

exudate15 exudations18 exudative20

Words that contain EXUDATION


How to use EXUDATION in a sentence

Similar words containing UDA without suffix tion and without prefix ex

buda7 udal5 audad7 budas8 cauda8 judas13 rudas6 udals6 aoudad8 audads8 caudad10 caudae9 caudal9 feudal10 garuda8 houdah13 houdan10 remuda9 soudan7 sudary10 sudate7 acaudal10 aoudads9 caudate10 exudate15 feudary14 garudas9 houdahs14 houdans11 incudal10 judases15 paludal10 remudas10 rudases8 soudans8 sudamen10 sudaria8 sudated9 sudates8 udaller8 acaudate11 audacity14 bermudas13 bicaudal13 butsudan11 caudally14 caudated12 caudates11 cloudage12 denudate10 ecaudate11 eudaemon11 eudaimon11 exudates16 feudally15 incudate11 laudable11 laudably14 laudanum11 laudator9 nudation9 sudamens11 sudamina11 sudaries9 sudarium11 sudating10 sudation9 sudatory12 udallers9 unfeudal12 audacious12 barracuda14 butsudans12 caudation12 cloudages13 decaudate13 deludable13 denudated12 denudates11 eudaemons12 eudaemony15 eudaimons12 excaudate19 exudative20 feudalise13 feudalism15 feudalist13 feudality16 feudalize22 feudaries13 feudatory16 laudanums12 laudation10 laudative13 laudators10 laudatory13 nonfeudal13 nudations10 precaudal14 prefeudal15 Show more ...
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