Eng is valid Scrabble Word

Is eng a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is eng valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for ENG in dictionary:

Words related to ENG

agma7 engs5

Words that contain ENG

engs5 leng5 meng7 feng8 benga8 henge9 kreng10 lengs6 menge8 mengs8 pengo8 renga6 sengi6 tenge6 venge9 wenge9 avenge10 bengas9 dengue8 engage8 engaol7 engild8 engilt7 engine7 engird8 engirt7 englut7 engobe9 engore7 engram9 engulf10 henges10 krengs11 lenged8 lenger7 length10 menged10 menges9 peenge9 pengos9 rengas7 sengis7 tenges7 venged11 venger10 venges10 wenges10 alength11 avenged12 avenger11 avenges11 banteng10 breenge10 dengues9 engaged10 engagee9 engager9 engages9 engaols8 engilds9 engined9 enginer8 engines8 engirds9 english11 englobe10 engloom10 engluts8 engobes10 engored9 engores8 engorge9 engrace10 engraff14 engraft11 engrail8 engrain8 engrams10 engrasp10 engrave11 engross8 enguard9 engulfs11 engulph13 genseng9 ginseng9 karengo12 kitenge12 lengest8 lenging9 lengths11 lengthy14 lozenge17 lozengy20 marengo10 menging11 peenged11 peenges10 penguin10 revenge11 Show more ...

How to use ENG in a sentence

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