Defections is valid Scrabble Word

Is defections a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is defections valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for DEFECTIONS in dictionary:

Words related to DEFECTIONS


How to use DEFECTIONS in a sentence

Similar words containing FECTION without suffix s and without prefix de

affection17 defection15 infection14 refection14 affections18 confection17 infections15 perfection17 refections15 affectional19 affectioned20 confections18 perfections18 refectioner16 reinfection16 coinfection18 affectionate20 affectioning21 confectioner19 defectionist18 disaffection21 disinfection18 imperfection21 refectioners17 reinfections17 transfection17 unperfection19 coinfections19 affectionally24 affectionless21 autoinfection18 confectionary23 confectioners20 confectionery23 defectionists19 disaffections22 disinfections19 imperfections22 perfectionate20 perfectionism22 perfectionist20 postinfection20 transfections18 unperfections20 affectionately25 autoinfections19 perfectionated22 perfectionates21 perfectionisms23 perfectionists21 superinfection21 unaffectionate22 confectionaries22 confectioneries22 disaffectionate24 perfectionating23 perfectionistic24 superinfections22 unaffectionatel23 unaffectionately27
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