Carns is valid Scrabble Word

Is carns a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is carns valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for CARNS in dictionary:

Words related to CARNS


How to use CARNS in a sentence

Similar words containing CARN without suffix s

carn6 carny10 carnal8 carnet8 carney11 carnie8 carnyx18 carnage10 carnals9 carnets9 carneys12 carnied10 carnier9 carnies9 carnify15 carnose9 lucarne9 carnages11 carnally13 carnauba12 carneous10 carneyed14 carniest10 carnifex20 carnival13 carnying14 carnyxes20 lucarnes10 carnahuba16 carnalise11 carnalism13 carnalist11 carnality14 carnalize20 carnalled12 carnaroli11 carnation11 carnaubas13 carnelian11 carneying15 carnified15 carnifies14 carnitine11 carnivals14 carnivora14 carnivore14 carnivory17 carnosaur11 carnosity14 carnotite11 excarnate18 foscarnet14 incarnate11 carnahubas17 carnalised13 carnalises12 carnalisms14 carnalists12 carnalized22 carnalizes21 carnalling13 carnallite12 carnarolis12 carnassial12 carnations12 carnelians12 carnifexes22 carnifying19 carnitines12 carnivores15 carnosaurs12 carnotites12 discarnate13 excarnated20 excarnates19 foscarnets15 incarnated13 incarnates12 carnivoran15 carnalising14 carnalities13 carnalizing23 carnallites13 carnaptious15 carnassials13 carnationed14 carnificial18 carnivories16 carnivorous16 carnosities13 encarnalise13 encarnalize22 excarnating21 excarnation20 incarnadine14 incarnating14 incarnation13 reincarnate13 carnivorans16 encarnalised15 Show more ...
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