Abs is valid Scrabble Word

Is abs a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is abs valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for ABS in dictionary:

Words related to ABS


Words that contain ABS

cabs8 dabs7 fabs9 gabs7 jabs13 kabs10 labs6 nabs6 sabs6 tabs6 wabs9 absey10 absit7 blabs9 boabs9 crabs9 doabs8 drabs8 flabs10 frabs10 grabs8 krabs11 scabs9 slabs7 snabs7 stabs7 swabs10 trabs7 abdabs11 abseil8 absent8 abseys11 absits8 absorb10 absurd9 cohabs13 hejabs18 hijabs18 jelabs15 kababs14 kebabs14 nawabs11 nikabs12 niqabs17 rehabs11 scrabs10 squabs17 vocabs13 abscess11 abscind12 abscise11 absciss11 abscond12 abseils9 absence11 absents9 absinth12 absolve12 absorbs11 abstain9 absurds10 baobabs13 confabs14 dabster10 habdabs15 jilbabs18 lablabs11 liblabs11 mihrabs14 niqaabs18 prefabs14 prehabs14 scarabs11 serdabs10 skylabs16 wabster12 collabs11 abscinds13 abscised13 abscises12 abscisic14 abscisin12 abscissa12 abscisse12 absconds13 abseiled11 abseiler10 absences12 absented11 absentee10 absenter10 absently13 absinthe13 absinths13 absolute10 absolved14 absolver13 absolves13 absonant10 absorbed13 absorber12 Show more ...

How to use ABS in a sentence

Similar words containing AB without suffix s

ab4 aba5 abb7 abo5 aby8 cab7 dab6 fab8 gab6 jab12 kab9 lab5 nab5 sab5 tab5 wab8 abac8 abas6 abba8 abbe8 abbs8 abed7 aber6 abet6 abid7 able6 ably9 abos6 abri6 abut6 abye9 abys9 baba8 babe8 babu8 baby11 blab8 boab8 caba8 cabs8 crab8 dabs7 doab7 drab7 fabs9 flab9 frab9 gabs7 gaby10 grab7 habu9 jabs13 kabs10 krab10 labs6 mabe8 nabe6 nabk10 nabs6 rabi6 sabe6 sabs6 scab8 slab6 snab6 stab6 swab9 tabi6 tabs6 tabu6 wabs9 yaba9 wabi9 abaca9 abaci9 aback13 abacs9 abaft10 abaka11 abamp11 aband8 abase7 abash10 abask11 abate7 abaya10 abbas9 abbed10 abbes9 abbey12 abbot9 abcee9 abeam9 abear7 abele7 abers7 abets7 abhor10 abide8 abies7 Show more ...
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