Witting is valid Scrabble Word

Is witting a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is witting valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for WITTING in dictionary:

Words related to WITTING

deliberate13 wist7 wit6 wite7 witing10 wittingly16 wittings12 wost7 wot6

Words that contain WITTING

twitting12 wittings12 dewitting14 twittings13 unwitting13 wittingly16 outwitting14 twittingly17 unwittingly18 unwittingness17 unwittingnesses19

How to use WITTING in a sentence

Similar words containing WITT without suffix ing

witty11 dewitt10 witted10 witter9 wittol9 dewitts11 twitted11 twitten10 twitter10 unwitty13 witters10 wittier10 wittily13 wittols10 atwitter11 dewitted13 twittens11 twitters11 twittery14 twitting12 twittish14 unwitted12 wittered12 wittiest11 wittings12 wittolly14 dewitting14 dimwitted16 nitwitted13 outwitted13 twittered13 twitterer12 twittings13 unwittier12 unwittily15 unwitting13 wittering13 witticism16 wittiness12 wittingly16 halfwitted20 nitwittery16 outwitting14 twitterati13 twitterers13 twittering14 twittingly17 unwittiest13 witticisms17 zwitterion22 twitterier13 twitterings15 unwittingly18 wittinesses14 zwitterions23 twitteriest14 halfwittedly25 nimblewitted20 nitwitteries15 twitteringly19 zwitterionic26 nitwittedness17 thimblewitted24 unwittingness17 halfwittedness24 nitwittednesses19 unwittingnesses19
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