Ware is valid Scrabble Word

Is ware a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is ware valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for WARE in dictionary:

Words related to WARE

wared9 wares8 waring10

Words that contain WARE

aware8 sware8 wared9 wares8 warez17 adware10 awarer9 beware11 unware9 adwares11 awarest10 badware13 barware12 bewared13 bewares12 malware12 nagware11 redware11 seaware10 spyware15 teaware10 tinware10 unaware10 unwares10 warehou13 wetware13 warezes19 badwares14 bakeware17 barwares13 caneware13 careware13 clayware16 cookware17 dishware15 firmware16 flatware14 freeware14 giftware15 hardware15 homeware16 ironware11 liveware14 malwares13 nagwares12 outsware11 ovenware14 redwares12 rewarewa14 seawares11 slipware13 software14 spywares16 stemware13 teawares11 tinwares11 toleware11 treeware11 unawares11 unwarely14 warehous14 wareless11 wareroom13 wetwares14 agateware13 awareness12 bakewares18 bloatware14 brassware14 canewares14 carewares14 chinaware17 claywares17 cookwares18 creamware16 delftware16 dishwares16 firmwares17 flatwares15 freewares15 giftwares16 glassware13 groupware15 hardwares16 holloware15 homewares17 ironwares12 livewares15 metalware14 ovenwares15 paperware16 rewarewas15 scareware14 shareware15 slipwares14 softwares15 steelware12 stemwares14 stiffware18 stoneware12 Show more ...

How to use WARE in a sentence

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