Vine is valid Scrabble Word

Is vine a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is vine valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for VINE in dictionary:

Words related to VINE

vined9 vineless11 vinelike15 vines8 vinier9 viniest10 vining10 viny10

Words that contain VINE

avine8 ovine8 vined9 viner8 vines8 vinew11 alvine9 bovine11 covine11 divine10 ovines9 ravine9 savine9 vineal9 viners9 vinery12 vinews12 bavined13 bovines12 cervine12 corvine12 covines12 divined12 diviner11 divines11 flavine13 mauvine12 milvine12 nervine10 olivine10 provine12 ravined11 ravines10 savines10 sylvine13 vinegar11 vinewed14 bovinely16 divinely15 diviners12 divinest12 flavines14 lovevine14 mauvines13 nervines11 olivines11 provined14 provines13 spavined14 sylvines14 undivine12 vinegars12 vinegary15 vineless11 vinelike15 vineries11 vinewing15 vineyard15 waviness14 curviness14 grapevine15 heaviness15 keelivine16 keelyvine19 lovevines15 nerviness12 ovibovine17 savviness15 vinegared14 vineyards16 aberdevine16 divineness14 divineress14 ergonovine14 grapevines16 grooviness14 keelivines17 keelyvines20 margravine16 replevined16 scurviness15 semidivine16 vinegaring15 vinegarish17 wavinesses16 vinegarier14 aberdevines17 acriflavine19 curvinesses16 ergonovines15 heavinesses17 landgravine16 margravines17 nervinesses14 palsgravine17 riboflavine19 savvinesses17 vinedresser15 vinegarette15 vinegarroon15 vineyardist18 waldgravine19 vinegariest15 acriflavines20 divinenesses16 divineresses16 groovinesses16 landgravines17 palsgravines18 riboflavines20 scurvinesses17 trypaflavine23 vinedressers16 vinegarettes16 vinegarrette16 vinegarroons16 vineyardists19 waldgravines20 trypaflavines24 vinegarrettes17

How to use VINE in a sentence

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